Thursday, January 30, 2020

Western False Front Architecture gets the nod

I don't understand the design elements sometimes used in new housing in London. Note the Western False Front Architecture on the right side of the front of this home. Why? I didn't even know there was such a thing as Western False Front Architecture but, inspired by this home and others, I googled it and found it.

And I don't understand the mixture of what appears to be grey stone combined with warm concrete brick. Why not use one approach consistently?

In the same vein, I wonder why the builder used a very modern, smooth grey material on the front of the home but a warm, wood-look vinyl siding on the upper floor of the home on the sides.

These homes are quite popular. So, I must be getting old and out-of-tune with the world.


Tamera said...

Yeah design-wise, this house is a hot mess! I have to agree with you!

William Kendall said...

I don't get it.