Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Mallard: abundant and widely distributed

These male ducks, with their iridescent green heads, are very common in London, Ontario, even in the winter. This comes as no surprise as mallards are said to be the most abundant and widely distributed duck species in North America. Mallards are also found in Europe and Asia.

According to Ducks Unlimited, "With the exception of the muscovy duck, mallards are the predecessors of all domestic ducks; they have been domesticated in Southeast Asia for over 2000 years and in Europe since at least the 12th century.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

They're very photogenic.

A small number of ducks do spend the winter over here, as there are the odd spots along the Rideau River that don't freeze up, and the river's shallow enough for them to get at the underwater vegetation they want.