Friday, January 3, 2020

Gene turns eastern grey squirrels black

Technically, it's an eastern grey squirrel, or so I understand, but its fur is black and not grey. It seems black squirrels have a DNA modification that results in black-furred grey squirrels. Grey or black both squirrels belong to the same species: backyardi pesti.

The little monsters dig up my wife's tulip bulbs long before the plants bloom and eat each and every one they find. That said, I have to admit the fluffy-tailed rodents are cute and cute will takes a wild, urban animal a long way with my three granddaughters.

Without flower bulbs to devour, our backyard pest is supplied with slices of apples, chunks of carrots and handfuls of raw nuts by my three granddaughters. This keeps the squirrels happy. Grandma? Not so much.


William Kendall said...

They're devious but cute.

Rockinon said...

My mother hated them. One learned how to gnaw into her home and the damage it caused was massive. The little devils can create some expensive problems.