Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Note the white ears on this grey squirrel

It's not the best angle but I wanted to show the white ears on this eastern grey squirrel. The other day I posted a shot of a black squirrel saying it was a colour variation of the eastern grey squirrel. It was a black-furred grey squirrel, so to speak.

North of London, there's a small town, Exeter, famous for its white squirrels. These are a white-furred variety of the eastern grey squirrel, not albinos.

If one googles eastern grey squirrel, one learns grey appearing fur is actually composed of a number of fur colours. Among those colours are white, black and tan. It is not unknown for an eastern grey squirrel to look black for the most part but have a white tail. And clearly, it is possible to have a grey squirrel with white and tan ears.


wilf said...

So cute 😊

William Kendall said...

I hadn't known that about squirrels in that area.