Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

I'm not sure if this is my favourite photo of the year or not but it certainly places high. I like it so much it makes me seriously consider moving to the spot pictures in a few years. It looks like a pleasant place to spend some time. I know my granddaughters would enjoy visiting me if I moved into a neighbourhood featuring a small herd of urban deer.


Jack said...

It is a beauty. But take your time before moving into this neighborhood.

William Kendall said...

It is a beautiful shot, and not a surprise that they'd spend time in such a place.

The other day I watched a couple of squirrels playing around tombstones.

Rockinon said...

I'm on my second pacemaker and my liver is starting to fail because of my poor heart. My grandkids won't be surprised when I "leave". That said, I'm doin' my best to live long enough to get a third pacemaker. ;-)