Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas pagents are different today

When I was in public school almost seven decades ago, Christmas pageants were quite different. First they clearly called Christmas pageants. Today's event at École Élémentaire Marie-Curie seemed to be billed simply as the school's Winter Show.

There was lots to see and to hear⁠—students dancing, singing, playing musical instruments⁠—there was even a Santa Claus of sorts.

What was missing were camels, angels, a manger scene, wise men, shepherds and . . . Well, you get the idea. What may not be instantly clear is the missing strong religious connection may be a good thing.

École Élémentaire Marie-Curie is a French first language elementary school in the west end of London, Ontario. This is not a French immersion school with the goal of making English speaking children fluent in French. This is a school for families that speak French at home. This school is for parents who want their children taught in French, the language in which their kids are most comfortable.

While there may not have been any camels in the show, there was a dinosaur.

Labeling aside, there was lots of Christmas spirit filling the classrooms, halls and auditorium. Parents brought treats to share, the food drive boxes were filled with donations and in the auditorium families, clearly with different backgrounds, chatted and shared laughter.

And what did the children call the event. I talked with two and both agreed, it was the annual Christmas show.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Political correctness, but I get the reason why.