Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Lots of icicles but not much storm

It was billed as an fearsome, winter ice storm and there was certainly ice. If I had been caught on the road and had to drive on the stuff, I'd have been concerned. But the storm didn't leave many areas devoid of power. Few, if any, powerlines were downed and the salt trucks quickly had the roads clear of ice. The ice coating just wasn't all that thick and nor all that heavy.

Still, the winter season is young. Technically, it hasn't even arrived at this point. Southwestern Ontario may yet get hit with a bad ice storm. When a storm is bad, one can be without power for days. This is something that rarely happens but when it does it is a true disaster.


William Kendall said...

The great ice storm of 1998 here was an epic disaster.

Tamera said...

Brrr, I don't like that kind of damp, icy cold without the bonus of snow!