Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The little guy is successfully competing with the chains.

It is just a small store but it often has just what you want and at a quality that puts the big chain stores in the area to shame. It's Remark. The family that owns it has one store in Windsor, one in Sarnia (I believe) and a third in London.

The other day my wife spent a quarter of an hour buying just three items at the Loblaws owned grocery store. Only two check out lanes were open.

We should have gone to Remark, as we usually do, ten or more check out lanes are usually open there. One is no sooner in than out. And the prices are very competitive. I don't know why so many folk feel big is better. It often isn't. Smaller is more competitive. It is successfully compete or wither and die.

Remark has been going for fifteen years in London. It shows no sign of withering and dying. And my wife and I, and even our grandchildren, are very thankful for this. We like the fresh navel oranges and the sparkling white cauliflower, the grandkids like the fresh, yeast-puffed, chocolate-topped doughnuts.


Jack said...

It is a good idea to buy local whenever possible. It puts money in local pockets and often sources products locally.

William Kendall said...

This is the first I've heard of this one, but I haven't been in that area in a long time.