Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Windmills are big in Ontario


From some angles, the electricity generating windmills on the edge of the new subdivision in Strathroy, Ontario, seem to visually dominate the neighbourhood. Under some weather conditions it would not be surprising if the sound of windmills also made the windmills impossible to ignore. Some people contend the noise emitted from these huge installations can be quite irritating, especially to those used to the quiet of the countryside.

But it is not only working windmills that are raising questions. The huge, fiberglass blades are especially difficult to recycle when they are decommissioned on reaching the end of their 25-year
working lives. Disposing of them in a green manner is a problem. Burying them isn't green and
recycling poses s number of problems.

In Rotterdam the problem has been put off for another day as retired blades are put to new, very imaginative, uses. 

The Dutch city has a 1,200sq m children's playground called Wikado, with a slide tower, tunnels, ramps, and slides made from five discarded wind turbine blades.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I have found myself getting dizzy by them.