Thursday, May 13, 2021

Dandelions are numerous and poison-free

Dandelions were once hated. Parks and other open, grass-covered spaces were almost devoid of the bright yellow flowers. Today dandelions are everywhere. Parks are filled with thousands and thousands of the bright, yellow blooms. Yet, for the most part, dandelions are still hated.

So, what changed to make the weed so common? The loss of poison control  of weeds. Poisons are out today and so dandelions are enjoying a de facto welcome. In Ontario, 2-4-D is essentially illegal. It is no longer used in parks or sold in stores. Round-up is also difficult to come by in Ontario although it is legal for some purposes.

When I was kid, I was warned not to pick the dandelions growing in the park. They might be contaminated with herbicide. I guess this is one other thing that has changed. Kids now pick dandelions without fear. And these young kids are growing up in a world where dandelions are so common that my guess is that the day is coming when the bright, yellow blossoms will be welcome and the oh-so-common weed will no longer be hated.

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