Saturday, May 22, 2021

Pick-up and delivery only


Covid-19 has put a lot of stores under stress, especially those selling non-essential goods. Neither the Canadian nor provincial government see toy stores as place selling essential goods. Young children with birthdays would dispute this decision as well as a lot of parents.

Toys R Us and its companion store Babies R Us are among the stores that can only move merchandise by mail or by bringing the customer's purchase to the customer's car parked in a designated spot in front of the store. 

Find the toy online, order it and pay for it using PayPal, a credit card or a debit card and the product will be delivered within seven days. No charge for delivery. Not quick enough? If the product is in stock in the local store, customers can pick up their purchase that day. 

Even though many folk in Ontario have now been had the first of their two vaccinations, and the men bringing the goods to the parked cars are most likely also vaccinated, plus the entire process takes place outside, masks are worn by both the store employees and by the customers waiting patiently in their cars.

It's funny. Wearing masks has become so much an expected part of normal interactions between people that continuing to wear masks just seems the right thing to do.

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