Friday, October 11, 2019

The Northern Cardinal: a fequent bird feeder visitor

My granddaughters hang a bird seed bell and within minutes a cardinal has claimed it. The male is the bright red one. The females are a bit more discreet with just a little red edging with a light brown or olive brown overall look.

Cardinals are non migratory; they live all year in the small grove of trees behind my home. It's a good place to live, I'm sure. We not only put out seed, we also have a bird bath. I sometimes feel we are running a retreat for wild birds.

Cardinals, of course, are not the only birds we attract and in the coming weeks I will post more pictures documenting a small selection of the wild life often found in London. Some of our visitors, deer for instance, may be rare in my immediate neighboourhood but there are places in town that I can go and always see, for instance, a small herd of deer.

I apologize for the somewhat contrasty image but my point and shoot with the longest lens doesn't do so well on bright, contrasty days. As a relatively poor, retired, senior Canadian, I cannot afford to dump a working, even poorly, camera and buy a new one.


Hull and Hereabouts said...

That's a striking colour.
I used to feed the birds but the squirrels would come and get it all, so now they both go without.

William Kendall said...

They're such beautiful birds.