Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Suburban Walkway Joins Two Courts

Suburban residential streets are often said to discourage walking. This isn't true in my immediate Byron neighbourhood. Byron is an older suburban area in southwest London, ON.

Since moving to Byron I've learned to walk a lot and lately biking has entered the picture as well. Why? My granddaughters. We have two parks in our immediate area. And both can be reached by walking on trails that are devoid of car traffic and even sidewalks, for the most part.

My photo today shows the trail at the far end of my court. It leads into a bush and up a hill, ending at an extended, terraced, concrete staircase terminating in the court above mine. At that point, the smallest park is but a short walk away. My granddaughters call this walkway through the woods "going on an adventure."

Note the well trodden pathway. Lots of people take this path, often when walking their dogs.


Linda said...

Welcome to daily vlogging! The trail looks pleasant.

William Kendall said...

A peaceful looking path.