Saturday, August 28, 2021

Stobie's: a popular take-out pizza location

Stobie's is not much more than a small sign on the side of an older downtown building. Inside there are few tall stools and a shelf to hold your slice of pizza but it certainly is not what anyone would call a sit-down restaurant. Stobie's is best known for its large, single slices of pizza.

Hungry? If you are in downtown London and close to either Richmond Row or Victoria Park, Stobie's is the place to go if a giant slice of pizza and a juice box or can of pop will suffice. 

Stobie's often has two to four kinds of pizza cooked and sitting in a warming oven. Pick the one you'd like, for instance vegetarian or pepperoni, grab a drink and head off for the park.

Kids love Stobie's. The pizza is simple and delicious. Parents love Stobie's. The choices are limited making it easier for kids to make a decision as to what to eat. Students love Stobie's. The price is right. And downtown workers love Stobie's. It is quick.

Big cities have lots of places like Stobie's. London has a few but they are located well distanced from each other. They are not grouped together offering a rich mix of fast, inexpensive food for those in a hurry.