Wednesday, August 25, 2021

No pictures!


Saying no to pictures is so today. When I started taking photos for publications in the late '60s, the risk one ran when taking pictures in public was being harassed by folk yelling, "Take my picture! Take my picture!" People thought it cool, even an honour, to be thought important enough to have their picture taken. Not today.

I saw a small group of young people in downtown London setting up for a shoot of some type. I thought they might be students from the community college or the local university. I asked and they said, "No pictures," and refused to say anymore. They turned their backs to the camera.

A young man insisted they did not have the time to answer any questions. I told him a one word answer would suffice. Are you students from Fanshawe? No reply. From Western? No reply. But they did have time to insist that I not take any pictures. Never tell a photojournalist not to take your picture. I have shots of police, military and criminal gang members all taken because of that order.

If you are up to something that you feel uncomfortable having photographed, that is worth a picture. At least, it might be worth a picture unless you are just going with the flow and turning your back on the camera because it is the in thing to do.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

See, that's just being immature.