Thursday, June 25, 2020

Pandemic hard on Stratford Theatre

From this angle one doesn't see a lot of this building but one does see enough to identify it as the Festival Theatre in Stratford. The unique multi-pointed, roof-edge treatment is a clear identifier.

The Stratford Festival even gets coverage in distant Chicago.
Designed by Robert Fairfield, the theatre was built in 1957. Inside it has a thrust stage, called this because it extends into the seating space with theatre goers positioned on three sides. And there are lots of theatre goers. There's seating for 1,838 people.

As you might expect, the theatre is closed at the moment as a result of covid-19. The fear is that the theatre, and all the other venues which are part of the annual festival, will remain closed until sometime next year. This is a heartbreaker. The festival has posted the following on their online page:

While the creation of a vaccine and anti-viral drugs will cure this pandemic, ultimately what will cure society in its aftermath is art. We look forward to the time when we can come together again to “live, and pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh.”

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