Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Life is Good!" at Winter Wheat

Shelters allow visitors to relax, sip a coffee and enjoy each other's company.
"Life is Good!" at Winter Wheat.

"Life is Good!"
Winter Wheat is the inviting home of Canadian folk artist Lucy Ogletree and her husband Mike Roberts. The five-acre property, filled with whimsical art, is open to the public for much of the year. Check the website before going. The grounds and shop make a perfect destination to explain a drive in the country.

According to the Winter Wheat site:

"Folk Art is created by ordinary folks who express what they are feeling in their hearts by creating imaginative things. Often times the expressions they create are extremely exuberant, witty or humorous."

Morgans leaving the parking lot in Sparta, Ontario, Sunday.
Sunday the group of Morgans touring Southwestern Ontario stopped in Sparta, the village just north of Winter Wheat. They proceeded down Quaker Road to Ogletree's oasis of creativity. The group, mainly from the Toronto area, was impressed.

To reach Winter Wheat, take 401-exit-177 and head in a southerly direction on Hwy 4 towards St. Thomas. At the edge of St. Thomas, turn right, staying on Hwy 4, now also known as Sunset Road. Turn left at Union and head east on Sparta Road. In Sparta, turn right onto Quaker Road and head south for about 2 km. Winter Wheat is on the west side of the road. Watch for the property dense with trees and the fence posts decorated with angels.

Winter Wheat is an amazingly welcoming place.
Ogletree's studio and her home are nestled among the tall pines and spruce trees, along with a country store filled with her beautiful folk art paintings and whimsical creations.

Visitors are encouraged to not only stroll the store but to wander the grounds. There are a couple of shelters where one can relax with a coffee and some friends.

The sculptures dotting the property are brightly coloured with a whimsical, upbeat quality. For Ogletree, everything is art. Brooms? Art! Funnels? Art! Keys? Art! . . .

The richness of Winter Wheat means everyone has a slightly different reaction to the place. I find the spot inspiring. I wander her gardens, stroll down her flower-bordered paths and smile at the merriment added by her sculptures. It all leaves me wanting to do something with my yard. So many times backyards are nothing more than a barren, sterile patch of grass.

The easiest answer is to buy some of the yard sculpture for sale at Winter Wheat. Mix some Ogletree sculptures with your day lilies and when the blooms are done, the sculptures will continue to brighten your garden.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bud Light Lime crew at Crossings

Morgan owners snap on the tonneau before dinner at Crossings Grill Pub.

The British Sports Car of London sponsored a car show Saturday at Bellamere Winery in the northwest end of the city. Morgan was the featured marque. Morgans were driven from as far away as Windsor, Toronto and Welland area to enter the show.

Events like this are good for a city. They generate revenue a little revenue and a lot of good PR for the city. Many of the visitors arrived in London Friday evening and left Sunday morning. In between they dined, they shopped and of course they all had rooms in local hotels.

Despite the views of the local paper, all the visitors that this blogger chatted with enjoyed their stay in London and plan on returning. They found it a good city and certainly not boring by any measure.

Saturday evening the members of the Morgan Sports Car Club of Canada had dinner at the newly renovated Crossings Grill Pub. The members were asked to park their old English roadsters in a long line on the front lawn facing Hyde Park Road.

Bud Light Lime, a new lime flavoured brew from Budweiser, is in the midst of a big promotion. Saturday evening the BL van and crew visited Crossings, giving sample bottles of lime brewski and BL hats to the car club members.

The Bud Light Lime crew made everyone smile as they gave out samples of the brew.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Another press club about to be shuttered

Two photojournalists enjoy brewskis at the London press club prior to its closing.
The London City Press Club is one of only two fully functioning press clubs still operating in all of Canada. At one time the club was located immediately across from the paper and the reporters, photographers and editors would all go to the club after the paper was put to bed. Those were the days when journalists often were the hard drinking and hard living figures portrayed in movies and novels. Ah, do I have stories . . .

But at the end of the month the London club is closing. The membership just isn't what it once was. The present club is a couple of blocks from the paper. The former digs got too expensive as staff cuts at the various media outlets slashed the membership. The industry shrinkage has continued and now even the new press club cannot be afforded.

The stand alone press club will be history.

Bill Sandford, left, a retired shooter for the Toronto Sun, and George Blumson, right, a retired shooter for The London Free Press, were spotted recently at the press club reminiscing about the "good old days" as they quaffed a couple of cool ones.

Note the pictures on the wall. All pictures in the club were shot by members including the photo of Diefenbaker that can be discerned behind Sandford.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fiona prints her name in sand

Kids in Canada are fast learners. It is clear that my young granddaughter, not yet two, has learned to spell her name before being able to say it. And if you believe that, I have a bridge you might like to buy in Brooklyn.

But Fiona is a certified ham. That's no lie. She may be young but she can follow instructions. I thought she did an exceptional job with this shot. But she only cooperates to a point; When she's certain I've got some shots, she insists on seeing them on the back of the camera.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Geek Dinner

Decisions. Decisions. Damn menus.
The Geek Dinner in London, Ontario, is held the first Wednesday of every month. For Londoners who have encountered a problem blogging, for instance, the Geek Dinner is a good place to fine an answer. I know; I have. It is also a good place to grab a meal, a draft and a little friendly chit-chat.

I'm almost completely deaf on my left side and suffer from severe tinnitus. Crowded restaurants have a lot of background noise and that makes it difficult for me to hold a conversation. I only stay long enough to grab a meal and get a little education.

Gigs Grillhouse, where the dinner is held, often has live entertainment. I always say I lost my hearing at an April Wine concert some decades ago. According to the geeks, the live music at Gigs is better than the stuff for which I sacrificed my inner ear and it may not even leave you deaf.

Another plus!
Previous posts:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's a good life.

If you're a Canada goose, it's a good life. Folks feed you, predators don't eat you, and come winter you can just stay put. You can forget the long migration south because you can remember folk feed you.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

London, Ontario: The Forest City

London, Ontario, has been known as The Forest City for about 150 years. Originally it was a bit of a joke and a gentle put down. Folks outside the city would refer to London as that city in the woods, The Forest City.

But over the years the meaning changed and Londoners took the nickname to heart. When folks say The Forest City today they are describing a beautiful, tree-filled city. This may be over stating the case a bit but a recent survey rated London number two among Ontario cities when it came to the amount of urban tree coverage. We were bested by Oakville; Very fitting, wouldn't you say.

I think my picture, taken almost from my door step, confirms that The Forest City is well named.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A toady post

Found hiding in my London, Ontario, flower garden.
Not being a naturalist, I think of toads as out of their natural territory when I find them hiding in the foliage of my flower gardens. In truth, the American toad is quite comfortable some distance from water and is commonly found in urban gardens, especially after a rain or in the evening. American toads are one of two toads native to Ontario. The other is Fowler's toad and it keeps closer to water.

According to the Toronto Zoo Website the male toad's call is a long, uninterrupted fifteen to twenty second trill that can be heard over some distance. The lower the temperature, the longer the trill. If you'd like to hear a toad's call check out the Zoo site; They have a short recording posted.

    Monday, May 30, 2011

    London, Ontario, latest train station

    I've been down on the VIA train station in London since it was built. I've been wrong. It's a good station and a fine addition to our downtown. (I was down on it because the new station is here because a beautiful old station from the 1930s isn't.)

    A friend bicycled from Toronto almost all the way to London; I picked him and his bicycle up just outside of town. When it was time to leave, I took him downtown to catch the early morning train to Montreal.

    It only cost $20 to take his bike to Montreal on the train. There are hooks in the baggage car and the bike, wrapped in protective plastic bag, was hung safely on a set of hoods where it stayed all the way to Montreal.

    My friend doesn't own a car. He takes the train a lot. He assured me that London's station was one of the best he has been in in North America. He said that I should be proud. Now, I am.

    Saturday, May 28, 2011

    Cemetery at Schenicks's farm

    In 1834 one acre of Solomon Schenick's farm was set aside for a pioneer cemetery, a school house and a place of worship. 177 years later the school is gone, the place of worship has disappeared and the land hasn't seen a plow in decades. All is now an East London residential neighbourhood.

    Well almost all. Some of the oldest and thinnest cemetery stones are set in a concrete wall to protect them from vandalism. The wall, in turn, protects many of the remaining headstones. The small plot sits on a larger piece of undeveloped land surrounded by a chain link fence with a padlocked gate.

    Friday, May 27, 2011

    Keys to the Forest City

    Children call them 'whirlybirds' or 'helicopters'. They are more accurately known as maple keys — the seeds of the maple tree. These distinctive seeds grow in pairs and spin as they fall. With a good breeze, they can travel a fair distance before striking the ground. As one tree can release hundreds of thousands of keys, this London street was thick with maple keys after a nasty thunderstorm rolled through the neighbourhood.

    When I was a little boy, I would break a maple key in half and then split the seed pod itself. The inside of the pod was slightly sticky and I could spread the two halves and stick them on both sides of my nose. I thought the wing or blade of the seed, sticking out from my face, was like a lot like a rhinoceros horn — a small, thin, green rhinoceros horn — but a rhinoceros horn just the same.

    Hey, I was a little kid and little kid's have big imaginations.

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Beautify the city; decorate a fire hydrant

    Fire hydrants don't get a lot of attention. They are installed, painted and forgotten — unless there's a fire. Fiona decided to do her part to beautify the city; She decorated the fire hydrant at the neighbourhood park with dandelion blossoms.

    Tuesday, May 24, 2011

    Daisy Patch

    One Earth Day, 2009, the Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act came into force in Ontario. The sale and use of the pesticides commonly used to maintain lawns and gardens in Ontario was banned. The result? Lots of bright yellow dandelions and lovely patches of white petaled daisies here and there.

    Now, my neighbour tells me to enjoy the bright, flowering weeds while I can. He assures me they will soon be gone. He's hired a company that uses a new herbicide, approved for use in Ontario, with the active ingredient chelated iron. The company promises to control his weeds legally and chemically. No more futile pulling, they say. They claim  once the spray has dried, it is safe for children and pets to walk on the treated lawn.

    Ah . . . I've been learning to love the untreated, naturally weedy, expanses of lawn.

    Victoria Day Fireworks and I Missed 'em

    The Fanshawe Optimist Club of North London again teamed with the Fanshawe Conservation Area northeast of London to present one of the largest fireworks displays in Southwestern Ontario. As usual, the Victoria Day event got underway at dusk, which thanks to daylight savings time comes a little late for the wee-ones.

    We brought Fiona, 20-months, to see the fireworks and by the time they started she was just about ready to quit. Oh, the first five minutes kept her interested, she actually kept signing "more, more," but after that it was "been there and done that." She made it clear it was time to go. We left.

    As everyone knows, the best fireworks are the closers. The bursts of colours come so fast they fill the sky with overlapping displays. Oh well, I may not have got the most impressive shots but we did miss the traffic jam at the end.

    I must confess that my dramatic shot is complements of Photoshop. Forgive me.

    A mother and her little daughter play with a sparkler while awaiting the show.

    Monday, May 23, 2011

    A cool spring

    It still seems so early in the year. It has been a cool spring with way more rain than usual. Mentally it feels as if winter has just left. But these goslings, down by the river, say spring is here and has been here for awhile.

    In years past I have taken pictures of the goslings strutting about behind their parents. This year the fuzzy, little things are cuddling close together for warm. As I was saying, it has been a cool spring.

    Saturday, May 21, 2011

    Cool balconies!

    The balconies on this apartment building in the south of London are neat. If this building was built close to other, visually different, apartment buildings, the balcony treatment would contrast with the surrounding buildings causing these unique balconies to visually jump.

    Instead this building is teamed with another of the same design and the pop is reduced to a gentle fizz.

    Oh well, it is still a cool design.

    Friday, May 20, 2011

    Rain, now fog, and the forecast? Rain.

    It looked good when we got up, just a little after daybreak. But soon a dense fog had settled over the city. Not good for the morning commuters but good for early morning photographers. Just step out the front door and find a picture.

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    It rained in the morning, it rained at night but in the afternoon we celebrated.

    In the last half of April, Londoners enjoyed just three rain-free days. Rainfall during that two-week stretch totaled 77.9 mm or about the same amount as normally falls during the entire month of April. May is looking like a repeat and the forecast if for this abnormally wet spring to continue into early June.

    Grandfathers like me with granddaughters like Fiona are beginning to panic. These little kids live to run and they need the room provided by the outdoors. There are only so many laps they can make running down the hallway from the kitchen to the TV room and back before the confinement reduces them to tears: Little tears but big sobs.

    Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    Northern Flicker in London Ontario backyard

    A Northern Flicker shot through my kitchen window.

    Sunday, May 15, 2011


     I'm not a gardener.

    My wife and I like magnolias and so I bought a tree for my backyard. It has now survived a number of Southwestern Ontario winters and has grown to about four feet. This spring it is in full flower. What a surprise; The blooms are a deep purple rather than pink and the shape is unlike the other magnolia trees in the neighbourhood.

    What did I buy?

    The magnolia may be the official state flower of Mississippi and Louisiana in the U.S., but some species are native to Southwestern Ontario where there the temperate climate supports a Carolinian Forest.

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    Canadian spring

    Spring is surely here. The grass is green and blooms are everywhere. Wish I had grabbed a better shot.

    Saturday, April 23, 2011

    Green growth from still water

    The rather still pool of spring fed water sheltered plants beneath its tranquil surface all winter. Now, with spring in the air, lush, green leaves are sprouting above the water. Maybe, in a few weeks, there will be some lily pads making an appearance.

    Friday, April 15, 2011

    An older style of housing

    There is something very pleasant about these well maintained, older homes found in a small town just outside London. Two of the three homes have fairly large porches and all sit very close to the sidewalk. There is a warmth and simplicity to this neighbourhood that new urbanist planners try to emulate but rarely as achieve.

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    Of art and bike racks

    The large, red sculpture nestled into the small courtyard behind the Bell building and government offices and the courthouse in downtown London, Ontario, shares its visual space quite comfortably with the nearby bike racks.

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    We're a young country but our flag is still younger.

    I can remember when Canada didn't have the bright red maple leaf as the national flag. It was February 15th, 1965, when the Maple Leaf was first raised above Parliament Hill.

    In the beginning, it was tough going for the little flag. A lot of folk were quite happy with Canada's de facto national flags. That's right, flags plural.

    One flag often flown was the Canadian Red Ensign. This was a British Red Ensign with a Canadian shield in the fly (the right-hand half).

    As a child, I can recall waving a stiff-fabric red ensign when Queen Elizabeth visited Brantford, Ontario. Many Canadians had memories attached to that flag. For those folk, it was tough saying good-bye.

    The other flag that served as Canada's official national flag was the British Union Jack. The Union Jack often flew over government buildings as well as government-related facilities such as RCMP camps and military forts.

    When the Maple Leaf was first flown, I know of one one high school teacher who told his students that the new Maple Leaf design was better suited to decorating beer bottles. He went on to argue that there were parts of Canada that didn't have maple trees. He was disgusted and wore his disgust with wounded pride.

    But Prime Minister Lester Pearson bravely broke with the past and gave Canada a fresh, new flag. It was a gutsy move. Today, I believe, you'd have a difficult time finding many who'd want either the Union Jack or the Canadian Red Ensign in place of our beloved Maple Leaf.

    If you'd like to know more about the history of Canada's flag, please check out The Canadian Maple Leaf Flag site.

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Solar home a forgotten dream?

    The solar panels are broken and it is doubtful that today they are even working.
    In 1978 it was the exciting, oh-so-state-of-the-art, Sifton solar home on Viscount Street in the growing Westmount subdivision. I can recall taking pictures of the place for the paper to illustrate the glowing stories in not just the Homes section but the news pages. The roof was scientifically angled and the house situated on the lot just so; Everything designed to maximize the trapping of the sun's energy. In the basement there was a large, insulated tank to hold the water heated by the sun.

    Note the tree sprouting.
    I tried googling "solar home London Ontario Sifton" and I got next to nothing. There was a mention of the place in an advertising insert in the local paper but no real information. I guess interest has waned in what was said at the time to be an historic structure.

    Today two of the lower panels are broken and a tree is sprouting from the steel framing. I doubt that the solar panels are still working and I wonder if the insulated water tank has been broken up and removed.

    There were a number of solar installations around London in the late '70s and early '80s. Interest was high in solar energy back then, but interest soon peaked. I know of one large installation on the roof of an apartment co-op in northeast London that fell into disuse and was removed some years later.

    I was surprised when the keeners running the co-op failed to make their solar installation a success. If all the volunteer effort blended with the solar energy couldn't make a rooftop solar installation succeed, one was left to wonder just who could.

    I wonder if the world will be dotted in a few decades with forgotten windmills built with dreams of generating electricity from the wind.

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Spring rain

    Ah, the wonders of a long lens and shallow depth of field. Simple drops of rainwater hanging from winter-bare branches make a picture. It won't be long until this bush is green with spring foliage. Hey, another picture!

    Saturday, April 9, 2011

    Saturday Morning Walks

    I showed my confidence in my new ICD by joining the Thames Valley Trail folk for their Saturday morning walk. I was surprised that the group took the walk from Gibbons Park along the river to the bridge to the University of Western Ontario main campus. Although most of the walk was dry, there were a few muddy spots and a few gently flooded areas.

    Almost all the snow is now gone from London. What little there is left will be gone withing a day or two at most. Spring is in the air, green sprouts are everywhere, and soon there will flowers in bloom.

    If you are interested the next walks will be:

    April 16 at Meadowlily Woods. Walkers are asked to meet at the sports field on the north side of Commissioners Road, east of Highbury.

    April 23 at Springbank Park West. Walkers are asked to meet at the west end parking lot, off Commissioners Road.

    April 30 at Sifton Bog. Walkers are asked to meet at the north west corner Super Store car park on Oxford St. West.

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Iron fence

    Common a hundred years ago, iron fences like this one sighted in Mount Brydges west of London are now rather rare. I recall a high school history teacher claiming many of these fences were melted down for the iron content and recast as weapons used in fighting the First World War.

    This fence may actually be a reproduction. It is just in such excellent condition.

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    Should wooden ties just fade away?

    New wooden railway ties await installation.
    These tracks, running through a little town just east of London, disappear in the early morning fog. The staggered piles of lumber beside the track are replacement railway ties. Some of the old ties have rotted almost completely away and a good number of the railway spikes are lifting.

    Note the spike lift, lower left, and rotted tie, right.
    I wondered if this track was safe. I did some research on the Internet. I learned that the spike pictured is suffering from "spike lift." Whenever there is a derailment, spike lift is one of the things that investigators look for. With the rotted ties and the spike lift, this track appears to be suffering. New ties are needed.

    I have a retaining wall behind my home that was made from railway ties. The wall is rotting and in need of replacement. From my personal experience with railway ties, I figure these big chunks of creosote-saturated lumber do not last all that long. My years of working for a newspaper tell me that trains occasionally jump the track. Derailments are far from unknown. This is 2011, not 1911, isn't there a better way of anchoring track?

    Well it turns out there well might be. For more than 30 years, Europe and Japan have been using concrete slab track instead of traditional ties and ballast. This type of track works well for high-speed passenger trains, but the challenge has been to design and construct a track system providing the required ride quality for high-speed passenger trains with the strength to withstand 39-ton axle loads at freight train speeds.

    The Portland Cement Association is leading research into the problem and slab track installations are being tested in the United States.

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    Deer in the Woodland Cemetery

    A large number of white-tailed deer now call London Ontario's Woodland Cemetery home. The usually timid animals are easily sighted from the busy four lane street bordering the south side of the cemetery grounds. Reportedly, at least two bucks have been seen as well as a good number of does.

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    The littlest couch potato

    The littlest couch potato
    Fiona is not quite 19-months but she's learning to like her DVDs. After a day of hide 'n' go seek, wolf at the door and doing battle with various puzzles, there's nothin' beats relaxing with some friends and a good movie. Fiona likes The Search for Santa Paws and Despicable Me. Paws, thanks to all the dogs, is well in the lead.