Tuesday, April 12, 2022

A search engine sampling of my life

Often I google folk I knew as a child, curious to know what they did with their lives. Today I wondered what someone googling me would find.

What I found surprised me. As a photojournalist, the pretentious term applied to photographers who shoot pictures for a newspaper, I have quite the record of work on view and so much of the stuff on view I shot but I don't remember shooting.

Life's long, so very, very long and complex. You think you recall everything and yet you don't. Not even close.

After admitting that, I have to say finding my shot of Canadian singer Bif Naked uncovered long buried memories. Bif, or should I say Ms Naked was a sweet heart, a gentle, young lady. I had to spend a couple of hours with the artist before she went on stage. It was a delightful two hours. And her look, those eyes, that voice, Bif Naked was the complete package.

Rick Mercier, a Canadian comedian/journalist/documentary-maker (Don't ask.), spent a day with Bif Naked some years ago. I liked some of the comments made by viewers of the little clip.

  • Bif is one of the sweetest, kindest women I have ever had the pleasure to meet.
  • i LOVE her!!!!!! you can't get any cooler than that :) <3 its so awesome to live in vancouverrr :)
  • How cute was that? Biffy and Rick should team up!
  • Met her twice in person. She is as awesome as she seems from this video.
  • I have never felt more Canadian! :D


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