Thursday, December 2, 2021

Children 5 and up getting vaccinated


Children five and older are now being vaccinated in Ontario, Canada. This little girl, 8, is being signed in at the vaccination station in London, Ontario, by her grandmother. Children must have an appointment made a few days in advance. On arrival they are signed in, registered, placed in a waiting line, given a shot and then left to rest for fifteen minutes before signing out and leaving the building. Approximately one hundred children are working through the system from entry to exit at any one time.

For those of us who have never been in a room with a hundred children gathered together to be vaccinated, the big surprise is the quietness. Most of the time, one could hear the proverbial pin drop. In the forty-five minutes it took to get the vaccination process completed, this little girl only heard two kids causing a fuss. For the most part, the children were all quite relaxed.

One of the medical staff said the biggest problems were caused by concerned parents.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

They've spent the last near two years with the same anxieties over all of this. Kids are resilient.