Friday, September 24, 2021

Man-made hybrids are common

Visiting a local garden centre, it was impossible not to notice the large variety of calathea plants on display. Calathea plants are found in many tropical regions: South and Central America, Africa and the West Indies. 

Starting with a good number of different varietes of calathea, plant growers have been able to  create more than 300 hybrids. Many are man-made hybrids made using tissue cultures.

Many claim that the calathea is a difficult plant to grow. Others say keep the light indirect and the level low, water lightly and let the top 3-4 inches of soil dry before watering again and the plants will thrive. With such beautiful leaves, it is clear from the number of plants filling the garden centre that lots of folk are willing to try and provide a calathea or two with a good home.