Thursday, July 29, 2021

Turkey vultures common in SW Ontario



Turkey vultures are common in Ontario and very easy to spot, even in silhouette, thanks to the very distinctive head and beak. These are large birds that are often spotted soaring in large circles high above the ground. Turkey vultures take advantage of warm air rising off dark fields and even dark pavement to soar and move about in the sky.

There were about a half a dozen vultures perched in this bare tree sitting on the edge of the City of London landfill. Vultures are very opportunistic. These migratory birds head south when it gets too cold for comfort in Ontario.

Turkey vultures keep our natural world clean. They eat carrion. Ugh! Thanks to their dietary habits, these birds have developed incredible immune systems; they can eat carrion without getting botulism, anthrax, cholera, salmonella and even rabies. Amazing.


William Kendall said...

Every once in awhile one sees them here.

Stefan Jansson said...

Nicely photographed.