Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Good bakeries make good cities

Small, good bakeries are as important to making good cities as fine architecture. Covid -19 is threatening the profitability of many small businesses. We will cheer when the pandemic ends but when it leaves we must make sure it doesn't take too many important businesses with it.

Angelo's has been a London institution for decades. It helps to give London colour (and flavour). For the finest breads in London, Angelo's is one of the places to go. Full flavoured loaves, such as the asiago and sundried tomato pictured, are usually gone by mid afternoon. This is not always true during the pandemic. Fewer shoppers means more unsold loaves. When I bought this loaf today it was almost four.

Angelo's is a little out of my way but I've been making an effort to stop there now and then. Like so many small businesses in London, Angelo's needs support. On the plus side, supporting Angelo's is its own reward.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Anything we can do to help the small businesses, the better.