Friday, April 16, 2021

During covid-19 computers supply social interaction

These two girls are in the same "family bubble." But with covid-19, social interaction is limited. Getting too close and not wearing a mask are both verboten. Even going to school, where kids interact with other kids, is an iffy proposition despite social distancing of desks and constant mask wearing.

These two little girls are cooperating to overcome a small computer problem in order to log on to a program called Roblox. Roblox is where these two interact with others. Roblox is not a computer game but a platforma platform where games, developed by others, are posted and played. The Roblox website boasts its users have published over 20 million games on the platform.

If you are still puzzled. Let me supply a link: Why is everyone talking about Roblox? (There's a good chance you didn't know they were.) While children of my era rode bikes, flew kites and played soccer together, a lof of kids today are playing with other children's avatars on an electronic playing field.

This is not to say kids today aren't out doing all the real stuff, it is just to say that this time is now being shared with virtual reality games.

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