Thursday, February 11, 2021

The luxury of a carport


The Second World War had ended and the economy was on the rebound. Suburbs were sprouting up all over the world but in North American, where land was ample and cheap, suburban living was a huge trend.

Many argued that living in the suburbs meant increased car ownership. Suburb dwellers argued that when they lived in the core they owned a car but had to park it on the street. In the suburbs, they said, they had the luxury of a carport. The luxury of a carport! Ah, those were different times. Today luxury doesn't kick in until one has a three car garage, at the minimum.


William Kendall said...

Generally speaking in a country as cold as ours, a garage would probably be needed if one has a car, if only to keep the thing relatively warm at night.

Rockinon said...

I agree. And yet there was not one garage, or even a carport, in the first neighbourhood where I lived. When my sister and her husband bought a new home in the '50s with a carport, they thought they had died and gone to heaven, as they say.