Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Sledding hills often closed by concerned city bureaucrats

Part of the hill, so popular with children and even families, has been closed by the city. A father who operates a popular exercise gym in the city, was seriously injured while sledding on the hill with his family. Reportedly, there was a fairly dangerous jump created by neighbourhood kids and the gentleman struck the jump, became airborne and struck his head. It is not known if he was wearing a helmet. A fractured skull was his most serious injury but he suffered other injuries as well.

A very long snow fence has been erected and the snow jump has been removed. Folk in the area are questioning whether the fenced slope is, in fact, where the fellow was sledding. Why? The closed area is thick with brush and dotted with trees.

Most children sledding on the long slope gravitate to the area with smooth, deep snow and devoid of brush and trees.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I can think of one spot here where signage is prominently placed warning people that it's at their own risk.