Sunday, February 28, 2021

Cars smaller when garage built


The garage is well cared for, it is painted, its roof doesn't leak and it is unused except for storing patio furniture. Most vehicles today are too large to be maneuvered around the bend in the driveway and eased into the small garage. And if the skillful driver got the car in, it might not all fit inside. Many cars are too long for the aging structure.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Working class housing a century ago could be quite fine

This Stratford home does not have an historical plaque. I think it needs one. I love the small roof extending out over the porch and front steps from above the front door. The semi-circular window surrounded by decorative shingles is a nice touch. 

What I find most amazing about this heritage neighbourhood is the mix of early owners. Some of the original owners were wealthy and the homes show this if you are attentive to detail. But other homes were owned by factory floor workers. The detailing is restrained but by today's standards it is great. 

More and more Stratford is a town where retirees are going to enjoy life in their senior years.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Two to a chair unless all are family


The ski hill has greeters positioned at the entrance to the facility. The number of lift tickets available is severely curtailed. Only two skiers are allowed on a chairlift seat. Four are only allowed when all four riders are family members living at the same residence.

With freezing rain expected overnight and a forecast high of seven degrees Saturday, forty-five in Fahrenheit, skiing season is going to be very short.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Not London but Chicago

If you are thinking that's not London, that's Chicago. You're right. I'm posting this not just because it's a great image but as evidence of the amazing tonal range captured by today's smart phones, especially in the highlights.

Recently I was given three cameras. One was an old Leitz film camera. The other two were simple point and shoot digital cameras. Thanks to the ever-present smart phone, I discovered these cameras have no value. The bottom has fallen out of the used camera market, at least here in London.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Mountain is back!


The Ontario government has loosened the covid-19 lock-down restrictions. One result is that the local ski hill is finally in limited operation. My granddaughters had all their ski lessons canceled. There is simply not enough winter left. But, they did get three hours in on the weekend. They had three hours of semi-private ski lessons. The snowboarder shown was hitting the hill alone and appeared to be enjoying being back on the slopes.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Free the two Michaels sign in window

The two Michaels, Michael Kovig and Michael Spavor, have been imprisoned in China for more than two years with no release in sight for either. Macleans, Canada's newsmagazine, reports:

They were detained by Chinese officials in December 2018, in implicit retaliation for Canada’s arrest nine days earlier of Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Chinese tech giant Huawei, and the two men have since been formally arrested and charged with espionage, which means a virtually certain guilty verdict.

Canadians are incensed but finding the action that will free the two men and bring them home to their families is proving elusive. Signs are appearing in windows calling for the freeing of the two Michaels.

Monday, February 22, 2021

A good example of early 1900s housing

The Grand Trunk Railway relocated their locomotive repair shop from Toronto to Stratford in 1870. In the early 1900s the repair shops were expanded and Charles Heppler moved to Stratford looking for work as a machinist.

In 1905, Charles married Ann Hansuld, a Stratford dressmaker. in Stratford. The couple bought a  lot on Water Street and their future home was completed in September of 1907. Within two years the couple was looking for another place to live. They sold their large home to the former owner of the Queen's Inn and moved to another Stratford home.

Architecturally, the home is a good example of the style of home being constructed throughout Ontario at that time.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Plaques often found on historic Stratford homes

If you wondered how I found out so much about the Charles Moore home in Stratford, it was relatively easy. Many of the finest, historic homes in the little southwestern Ontario town carry plaques. These tell the year in which the home was built and the name of the first owner/resident.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Charles Moore home in Stratford. Built 1915.

This home is one of my favourite homes to be found anywhere. It was finished in 1915. Immediately the builder, Charles Moore, 27, and his new bride Myrtle Harris, 22, moved in. The couple had postponed their wedding for a year and half while their home was completed.

The young couple lived in their Edwardian Classic home all their lives. They grew old together in that home. Myrtle passed away in 1983 at 90 and Charles was forced by his advancing age to move into a senior residence in 1990. He died three years later at 105 years of age.

Wouldn't you love to see the interior of this home. They rarely build homes with such elegance today. Agreed?

Friday, February 19, 2021

A 3 day series: 1st, check window treatment


While visiting Strathroy I noticed the window treatment on the large windows on the rear wall of an older home. These windows were unique in number, in shape and even in the decoration surrounding each one. I thought this window treatment amazing. 

I stopped, got a picture and then walked around to the front of the home. The front of the place was equally amazing and tomorrow I'll share the why with members of the group.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Should rabbits eat red holly berries?

The rabbits around our home enjoy feasting on many of our decorative shrubs. The green holly with the bright red berries is a favourite with both birds and small animals, like rabbits.

We worry that the red berries, while enticing to wildlife during the depths of a cold winter, may not be good for them. Are the berries toxic, we wonder.

The answer, I believe, is that the berries are the best food, even for cold and hungry rabbits. That said, the berries are not apparently dangerous when eaten but in  small amounts by hungry, little animals like our local rabbits. 

The rabbits around our home enjoy feasting on many of our decorative shrubs. The green holly with the bright red berries is a favourite with both birds and small animals, like rabbits.

We worry that the red berries, while enticing to wildlife during the depths of a cold winter, may not be good for them. Are the berries toxic, we wonder.

The answer, I believe, is that the berries are the best food, even for cold and hungry rabbits. That said, the berries are not apparently dangerous when eaten but in  small amounts by hungry, little animals like our local rabbits. 

The berries seem to be well tolerated.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Sledding hills often closed by concerned city bureaucrats

Part of the hill, so popular with children and even families, has been closed by the city. A father who operates a popular exercise gym in the city, was seriously injured while sledding on the hill with his family. Reportedly, there was a fairly dangerous jump created by neighbourhood kids and the gentleman struck the jump, became airborne and struck his head. It is not known if he was wearing a helmet. A fractured skull was his most serious injury but he suffered other injuries as well.

A very long snow fence has been erected and the snow jump has been removed. Folk in the area are questioning whether the fenced slope is, in fact, where the fellow was sledding. Why? The closed area is thick with brush and dotted with trees.

Most children sledding on the long slope gravitate to the area with smooth, deep snow and devoid of brush and trees.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Surprised to see a Champion grader plowing court


London, like much of North America, is getting snow, lots of snow. And when snow comes, the snowplows are not far behind. (Oh heck, I confess, in truth the plows can be quite far behind. There have been times when two, even three days, have passed before a plow appeared to clear our suburban street. On occasion the plow never shows up at all. The city just leaves it to the sun to clear the street and court.)

But today I was happy to see a plow. I was also surprised to note that it was a Champion grader. This make of grader was made in Goderich a little more than an hour north of London. Sadly, it must be reported that the plant, after more than a century of operation, was  closed and the work moved to the southern States where workers make few demands.

Ontario, like many northern states, has lost a lot of manufacturing jobs to the southern States. I don't know the details but the move didn't seem to benefit the Champion company. After moving, it closed.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Chinese glass plant not welcome in Stratford

Visit the southwestern Ontario city of Stratford and you are sure to see signs protesting the locating of a Xinyi glass plant in the town made famous by the Stratford Festival.

CBC reports: A Stratford, Ont., citizens' group is demanding a review of glassmaker Xinyi Canada and its proposal to build a $400-million float glass factory in the community. The group is alleging the Chinese-owned company is a threat to national security. 

The critics also claim the proposed factory would more than double the size of the community's carbon footprint. Anyone familiar with Stratford would understand the immensely damning quality of that argument.

The CBC goes on to report that in a letter sent to Minister Navdeep Bains it is claimed:

"The ownership of the company is basically a bit of a network of holding companies and sub-entities, almost all of which are registered in the Cayman Islands or Virgin Islands and many of the principals involved in those companies have overt links, either to the Chinese government or the Chinese Communist Party."

Sunday, February 14, 2021

A snowman and his dog

This snowman had a very faithful dog. How do I know it's faithful? Every time I drive by, the dog is at the snowman's side.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Dead trees make neighbourhood art


When big, old trees growing on front lawns in London die, they are not always chopped down -- at least, not completely. Sometimes, if the home owner can afford it, an artist is hired to carver the first ten feet or more of the tree trunk, stripped of bark, into a work  of art. A huge, eye-catching wooden sculpture is the result. And it's a plus for the neighbourhood.

Friday, February 12, 2021

'On strike' sign recalls complex story


For many decades, while The London Free Press was owned and operated by Walter Blackburn, the newspaper was not involved in a strike. Blackburn kept unions at bay by forming his own in-house organization to look after employee concerns and complaints. Under Blackburn it worked.

Under Walter Blackburn the newspaper did not have a layoff, even when the economy was in recession. Blackburn said when times were tough the employee who could best weather a downturn in the economy was him, the newspaper owner. 

If he laid off a pressman, that man's life would be in tatters. His family would suffer. Walter Blackburn, on the other hand, kept his chauffeur driven car, he and his wife wouldn't lose their home nor would his children drop out of university.

Once when a longtime employee had a death in the family, a death in England, the employee was given time off to attend the funeral and the money to cover the trans Atlantic flight home. Blackburn was a capitalist, a generous, caring capitalist.

After Walter Blackburn died things changed around the paper. Slowly at first and then the paper was sold to an expanding chain. And then that owner, a rather small fish, was gobbled up by a much bigger company, a much larger fish. Today the paper is but a small memory of the local media empire Walter Blackburn built during his lifetime.

My gut feeling is that if local newspapers had remained under the control of owners like Walter Blackburn and others of his ilk, daily newspapers would be much different today. Walter Blackburn was a visionary. This is not a word I would apply to the hedge fund owners of today.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

The luxury of a carport


The Second World War had ended and the economy was on the rebound. Suburbs were sprouting up all over the world but in North American, where land was ample and cheap, suburban living was a huge trend.

Many argued that living in the suburbs meant increased car ownership. Suburb dwellers argued that when they lived in the core they owned a car but had to park it on the street. In the suburbs, they said, they had the luxury of a carport. The luxury of a carport! Ah, those were different times. Today luxury doesn't kick in until one has a three car garage, at the minimum.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Celery from Spain sold in London, Ontario

It was the nicest celery my wife had ever encountered. It was fresh, green, blemish-free; it was perfect. And when she checked to see where this amazingly perfect produce was from, she discovered it was from Spain.

I confess, this makes me uneasy and I cannot say exactly why. I have a gut reaction that this is not good for the earth. When I worked at a newspaper this feeling, this hunch, would not be enough for story. But, it would be enough to assign a reporter to investigate and determine whether or not there's a story here.

Is there? I think so.

For instance, when produce is shipped thousands of miles, it raises the possibility of introducing plant diseases to areas where the disease is as yet unknown. When I googled celery from Valencia, Spain, I learned a bacterial plant disease has been found in celery grown in Spain. This bacteria is found around the world. The question is whether or not the variety of the bacteria that is infecting Spanish celery is unique to Spain.

Another problem raised by attempting to grow produce in gigantic, factory farm fields is water for irrigation. Over-exploitation of water resources is an ever present threat. 

I should have considered this last item, in my short list, as it is problem right here in Ontario, Canada. All too often huge farms producing relatively inexpensive food in vast amounts operate successfully thanks to poorly paid and poorly treated migrant workers. According to The Guardian, Spain may be among the worst offenders globally when it comes to the abuse of migrant workers. 

A U.N. worker reported workers living in a migrant settlements in Spain are forced to live in conditions that rival the worst conditions anywhere in the world. The settlements are located kilometres away from water and all too often lack electricity and even adequate sanitary infrastructure.

I hope my celery was grown in a responsible manner. I pray it was but I don't know for sure.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A pretty little bungalow from the distant past


Back in the '50s and '60s little bungalows were popular in Canada. The neighbourhood below the uplands in Byron was developed back then. I drove through there today and thought that this little place had aged well. It has the look of a home that has been showered with love.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Dr. Oetker makes pizza in London

Dr. Oetker was a German pharmacist who started an innovative food company some 130 years ago. Today, the Dr. Oetker group is still under family control as a global enterprise with a pizza factory right here in London, Ontario. 

Like so many big firms with a global reach, traditional local firms may fall to the expanding German giant. It is almost 30 years since Dr. Oetker purchased the Canadian Shirriff food company with a line of products going back to 1880s.

My wife and I find the Dr.'s pizza generally overpriced and more than the crusts are thin. But when they go on sale, we buy a half dozen or so. We only get the cheese ones. And then we add our own toppings: sweet peppers, mushrooms, artichokes, hot peppers and dark, pitted olives.

Reportedly, Dr. Oetker is one of the best selling frozen pizza in the world. Hmmm. Surely, most folk are dressing these pizza up with a lot more toppings before serving. And I hope they are being bought on sale.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Older suburban street design not in vogue today

When I was a boy, suburban streets were state-of-the-art: no sidewalks accompanied by slower than the normal traffic speeds. Often the streets were curved to encourage drivers to slow down. If necessary lower than usual speed limits signs were posted.

Today, sidewalks are back in style. Folks living on the older, sidewalkless streets are finding that when their street is repaved sidewalks are installed. This is done whether the residents want the sidewalks or not. Often the resident do not.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Judy insisted that this had to be today's picture


My wife has been after me for days to shoot the morning shadows on the snow in our backyard as seen through the kitchen window. She insists this is different from my other two shots. And so, I begrudgingly submitted today's photo for consideration.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Folk getting their hit of winter fun


The big path immediately behind the suburban homes is usually deserted in the winter, certainly not busy, but this year it is one popular place as it leads directly to the best sledding run in the neighbourhood.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

A view of downtown from the past



I saw this photo of downtown London taken possibly a century ago and I thought I'd share. It's sad to think that London had streetcars then but found it impossible to bring them back when it was attempted a few years back.

Dundas Street, the main drag, was a fine looking street at the time this image was made. Agreed?

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Same subject, different light, different picture


The other day I posted a photo showing the scene shown above. (That image is on the left.) The light was quite flat. The picture was well received. 

A day or so later, I noticed the light had changed. It was stronger, brighter, more directional. I took another shot. Despite the subject being the same, it was a different picture.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

An adventure destination as a young boy

Check out the linked post on St. Louis Daily Photo: Castles in the Air. It shows a couple of  abandoned water pumping stations in the Mississippi River. These once served the city of St. Louis.

I  immediately thought of an abandoned structure in the Detroit River. It was once a pumping station, I believe, for the city of Windsor which is in Canada across from the city of Detroit. 
When I was a boy the building was open and we used to prowl about it thinking it was quite the adventure.

Monday, February 1, 2021

The February 1st theme: smile

I've had this picture in my files since crossing the States and Canada with my wife in our heritage English roadster: a Morgan Plus Four. Sadly, after about 45 years of ownership, I no longer own the car.

This young lady was selling ice cream cones from a small stand in Fort Frances. No one should have as much fun flogging to tourists ice cream as this girl. 

She gave out a generous scooping of ice cream accompanied by an even more generous helping of giggles and big smiles.