Friday, September 18, 2020

Goldenrod: wildflower or weed?

Goldenrod: it doesn't look like much for much of the year. In fact, minus the flowers it looks very much like a weed. But, come late summer and early fall, huge swaths of bunches of golden flowers sway in the breeze looking wonderful. Very dramatic. And very attractive growing beside public walkways and paths.

Goldenrod is an aggressive plant. It invades and spreads quickly. It is resilient. It handles both rainy weather and periods of drought with aplomb.

A lot of folk believe goldenrod is at the root of their September allergy attacks. According to my grade school science teacher, probably not. He taught us that it was ragweed growing among the stands of goldenrod or near it that was the true culprit. A little googling seems to show support for my old science teacher's position. The story of causing allergic reactions appears to be a myth.