Sunday, April 12, 2020

Aren't kissing booths just a cartoonist joke?

With my wife and I are practising self-isolation, Getting out and about to take pictures is hard. So, I spent the afternoon tidying my basement storage room. I found some photos taken during my career as a staff photographer at the daily paper.

I have always found this image, taken about 1980, a very strange photo. The Board of Education was holding a park activities event for all the city's public schools. One event was a kissing booth. I had never seen such a thing. I had thought kissing booths were a joke. A figment of the imaginations of slightly off-kilter cartoonists. 

This young girl was selling kisses for 3-cents a kiss! Yuck! And dozens and dozens of young boys were crowded around the booth with one of the boys waving a dollar bill. I took the picture and I thought I had something, something weird, something that should never be but was. The picture made the paper but the editor thought it was very ho-hum'.

I entered it in photo contests sponsored by photojournalist organizations; it went nowhere. I entered it in a photo competition at the fair; it collected no votes. Maybe today, some four decades later, someone will be shocked that this was ever allowed to happen, let alone encouraged. I feel it makes a clear statement as to the state of thinking back then -- or the lack of thinking.

Kissing booth. Disgusting.


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