Friday, February 14, 2020

Green Recycle Bins Make Kids Happy

Children see recycling as very important. The long line of green recycle bins in front of the school two of my granddaughters attend makes those two little girls very happy. It confirms their school cares.

I don't say anything. No sense bumming them out. But, I wonder why the school generates so much waste paper in the first place and I wonder where the scrap paper ends up. Is it really recycled?

Recycling almost everything, other than aluminum beverage cans and PET plastic often used for bottles, is a money losing proposition. Values have been dropping in recent years.

Still, the kids have the right idea. My granddaughters encourage me to use less and recycle more. Use it, then recycle it. It's time for the adults in their lives to stop just going through the motions. It's time to deliver on the promise made by that line of recycle bins.

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