Saturday, November 7, 2020

E-Bikes are amazing

E-bikes come in lots of styles: motorcycle, scooter, bicycle, mobility scooter and awfully expensive toys. All these various E bikes were cruising along under my personal radar until this afternoon. I had no idea these things even existed. I'm just an out-of-touch old geezer, I guess.

Imagine my surprise when two of these big beasts came up up the hill topped by a lookout over the city. Clearly, these machines are powerful. And the two riders appreciate that power and take their sturdy machines everywhere. Municipalities can prohibit the use of e-bikes on paths, trails and other property under city control but in London there are few restrictions.

There are a few rules: riders must be sixteen and must wear a proper motorcycle helmet. And there are rules determining what is and what is not an e-bike. For instance, an e-bike cannot weight more than 120 kg, nor exceed a speed of 32km/h.

The rules certainly leaves lots of room for fun.

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