When this uniquely shaped mushroom appeared in a neighbour's front garden, those who saw it admitted to being mildly embarrassed when they tried to describe it to others. I feigned ignorance at first and then I said, "Ah ha! It looks like Jeff Bezo's Blue Origin rocket. You know, the one that carried William Shatner into space." And it did.
But I have to admit, I was filled with questions about this oddly shaped mushroom. For one thing, why are there flies all over it? Answer: It is a member of the stinkhorn mushroom family. This particular stinkhorn smells a lot like dung or maybe decomposing flesh. It depends upon whom you ask. But don't ask me as I didn't get that close.
I was able to discover its true name but only after multiple confirmations am I willing to report it is called, wait for it, phallus impudicus. Not a great name. Maybe we can get the name changed. I was thinking of caeruleum eruca or Blue Rocket in Latin. It may not be great Latin but it is a better name.