Sunday, March 13, 2022

Townhouses are more common today


Land is expensive in Canada. On a map, Canada looks huge. But the truth is that most folk live on the southern edge of the country, close to the U.S. border. That narrow band of land is but a small part of the total land mass that we think of as Canada. Now, think farmland. Go too far north and the winters get too harsh and the summers too short to support the successful farmings so common in southern Canada.

When I was a boy, single family homes on full-sized lots almost the only option when it came to housing. Townhouses were rare and highrise apartment buildings non existant. Today, with a population more than double what it was when I was a boy and land becoming more and more valuable, townhouses are incredibly popular and may be the big wave of the future, unless highrises edge out townhouses. Time will tell.


William Kendall said...

Such seems to be the case here.

Stefan Jansson said...

A bit like Sweden, mostly a lot of forest here. Nice design here.