Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A simple story in the snow is a good story

Tracks in the snow tell a story. Usually the story is a simple one documenting the passing of a rabbit or sometimes a field mouse. City wildlife has it easy but if the little critters let their guard down, a good neighbourhood can quickly turn bad. There are dangers lurking in the suburban backyards.

Packs of coyotes roam suburban backyards when night falls. During the day cruising hawks and even the occasional bald eagle.pose a threat from above. Even family pets, dogs and cats, present a danger. Some days the story written in the snow documents the life and death struggle little critters confront every day and every night. These stories don't always end well.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I mostly see squirrel tracks, but I know of a spot where a raccoon lives, and will sometimes see tracks in the snow from him or her.