Monday, June 7, 2021

Is this from the Nut House?


At one time in London there was a shop that sold nuts, salted nuts, chocolate coated nuts, candied nuts. The nuts came in bags and boxes. There were peanuts, almonds, Brazil, pistachio, cashew . . . 

And there were customers. Lots and lots of customers. Why a place like the Nut House disappears is a puzzle. Did the owners move away? Did they die and the estate closed the shop? But the big question today is this: Is the Nut House sign, enamel on steel, possibly the last remnant, the last solid memory, of that wonderful, delightful, place that was for so many Londoners more of a destination than a shop

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I am reminded of a ghost sign for a photographer studio here that endures a century after the business itself.