Sunday, February 7, 2021

Older suburban street design not in vogue today

When I was a boy, suburban streets were state-of-the-art: no sidewalks accompanied by slower than the normal traffic speeds. Often the streets were curved to encourage drivers to slow down. If necessary lower than usual speed limits signs were posted.

Today, sidewalks are back in style. Folks living on the older, sidewalkless streets are finding that when their street is repaved sidewalks are installed. This is done whether the residents want the sidewalks or not. Often the resident do not.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Judy insisted that this had to be today's picture


My wife has been after me for days to shoot the morning shadows on the snow in our backyard as seen through the kitchen window. She insists this is different from my other two shots. And so, I begrudgingly submitted today's photo for consideration.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Folk getting their hit of winter fun


The big path immediately behind the suburban homes is usually deserted in the winter, certainly not busy, but this year it is one popular place as it leads directly to the best sledding run in the neighbourhood.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

A view of downtown from the past



I saw this photo of downtown London taken possibly a century ago and I thought I'd share. It's sad to think that London had streetcars then but found it impossible to bring them back when it was attempted a few years back.

Dundas Street, the main drag, was a fine looking street at the time this image was made. Agreed?

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Same subject, different light, different picture


The other day I posted a photo showing the scene shown above. (That image is on the left.) The light was quite flat. The picture was well received. 

A day or so later, I noticed the light had changed. It was stronger, brighter, more directional. I took another shot. Despite the subject being the same, it was a different picture.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

An adventure destination as a young boy

Check out the linked post on St. Louis Daily Photo: Castles in the Air. It shows a couple of  abandoned water pumping stations in the Mississippi River. These once served the city of St. Louis.

I  immediately thought of an abandoned structure in the Detroit River. It was once a pumping station, I believe, for the city of Windsor which is in Canada across from the city of Detroit. 
When I was a boy the building was open and we used to prowl about it thinking it was quite the adventure.

Monday, February 1, 2021

The February 1st theme: smile

I've had this picture in my files since crossing the States and Canada with my wife in our heritage English roadster: a Morgan Plus Four. Sadly, after about 45 years of ownership, I no longer own the car.

This young lady was selling ice cream cones from a small stand in Fort Frances. No one should have as much fun flogging to tourists ice cream as this girl. 

She gave out a generous scooping of ice cream accompanied by an even more generous helping of giggles and big smiles.