Sunday, January 31, 2010

Len's Mill Day Two

Check yesterday's blog for some info on Len's Mill; Today I'm posting a second cool picture from the store. Today's is similar to yesterday's but it is different fabric. Just what does one do with fabrics like these? Sew an evening gown? Make a costume of some kind? I know what I do with the stuff; I make pictures.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Len's Mill Outlet

The Len's Mill Outlet in London, Ontario, on Exeter Road is a very unique store with a weird mix of merchandise.

If you need a big chunk of foam, a winter hat, some pancake syrup, maybe a Royal Doulton place setting and at a really fine price, or even some colourful fabric, Len's Mill is your store. Jeans? They got 'em. Habitat pea soup? Yup! How about a five-foot long church pew? If you move fast, the answer is yes!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Biting Cold in London, Ontario

My wife saw a flock of wild turkeys in the field beside Bostwick Road in the southend of London Ontario. But it was so cold that I couldn't make the long walk into the field; My face immediately began to enter frostbite territory. I saw the tree and the corn rows and saw a picture. I took out my camera but the battery quit from the cold. I slipped off my glove to switch batteries and my fingers were numb by the time I had the new battery installed.

East and southeast of London the weather was even worse. Just as cold but higher winds accompanied by some falling snow resulting in white-outs making driving dangerous.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Arva Flour Mills

As promised, this is Arva Flour Mills on the northern edge of London, Ontario. The red addition on the side of the main building is the mill store where I buy my flour.

Before I shot this picture, I got some white, hard flour for making bread and some light yellow semolina for making pasta. It's good flour but the best thing about it is that it's not flour from a giant conglomerate.

I was surprised to learn recently that Robin Hood Mills is owned by Horizon Milling GP, which is owned by the giant Cargill Corporation out of the States. (This is not to knock the Robin Hood product. I have used their bread machine flour in the past. I just like buying from smaller companies. It's a personal thing.)

Muscovy duck

I believe this is a Muscovy duck. I was told this by the lady at the flour mill where I shot this picture.

The Arva Flour Mill is on the northern edge of London Ontario and is still in operation. I like to buy my flour there. It's good flour and I believe the mill is locally owned.

I didn't dare get too close for this picture as the duck hissed a loud warning. It sounded serious.

Later, I learned the brightly coloured male is all hiss. One of the white ducks in the background is another matter. One of those ducks is quick to deliver a fierce pecking attack if you get too close.

I didn't.

Tomorrow we'll have a picture of the mill itself.


Monday, January 25, 2010


It was a cold day and this woman looked liked she was feeling it. She was sitting, huddled against the cold, watching and waiting patiently as her young daughter enjoyed some time in the park with her grandmother.

Bike paths and walking paths common in London

For all the talk of society facing an obesity crisis, there are certainly enough walkers and joggers filling  the pedestrian pathways around London. The yellow line delineates the area of the roadway dedicated to those on foot.

Many London roadways now sport separate bike lanes. I can walk or bike from my home in southwest London all the way to the city centre and hardly ever share the pavement with a car.