Some things are cheaper when made in Canada rather than imported. Pasta is one of those items. The Italpasta in tonight's dinner cost less than a dollar on sale for a 900 gm bag. Pasta made in Italy can cost six times as much and it may even contain Canadian wheat. More than ten percent of the wheat in the global market originates in Canada.
With inflation in the wings, threatening to take centre stage and push the price of goods through the roof, finding ways to cut costs is increasingly important.
Seniors on fixed incomes are facing growing problems as inflation diminishes the buying power of their pensions. One great way of keeping costs down is to design meals around the food stuffs one finds on sale.
It the items has a long shelf life, like pasta, buying lots is a fine idea. Some would argue that putting $20 into sale priced pasta beats the return earned depositing $20 in the bank.