The company delivering gas to homes and businesses in London, Ontario, is Enbridge. A Canadian company, as far as I know, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. The biggest name in natural gas heating and electric cooling equipment in London is Reliance Home Comfort. Many of its customers believe that it too is a Canadian operation. It was but it isn't today.
Originally, Reliance was owned by Union Gas. Today Union Gas is no more having been taken over by Enbridge. And Reliance, its connection to Union Gas severed years ago, is now controlled by the family of Hong Kong-based Chinese-Canadian businessman Victor Li.
Have these changes been good for London? Have they been good for Ontario? On the surface, it would seem a larger share of the money generated by this residential and commercial gas business may have once circulated throughout the city and province, for the most part. Now, with the Hong Kong and Bermuda connections, a lot of the profits may be leaving the country.
I am not a financial wizard. I cannot say if the present set-up is better or worse for Londoners, for Canadians. But one thing seems certain, it is better for the governments of Hong Kong and Bermuda.
When I was a boy in the early '50s, one would not have encountered a lawn statue like this one displayed with the Canadian flag. For one thing, the maple leaf flag was not the Canadian flag until 1965.
Are these Canadian Geese out for a morning stroll in order to meet the 10,000 footsteps-a-day goal? If they are, I am sure the folk in this neigbourhood are hoping the geese take all their steps in a straight line. Geese are not welcome in residential neighbourhoods. Nothing messes up an area's sidewalks and lawns like a flock of geese. Yuck!
Are these lilies special? They certainly are beautiful. These lilies also came from the lily fields now plowed under with the retirement of the couple who ran the lily operation. If you'd like to know more here is a link to an earlier post: A colourful, beautiful memory.