Not everyone suffered financially when covid-19 trimmed the economy, closing hotels and shuttering restaurants without a solid take-out business. Vacations cost money. Dining out is expensive. Even simply shopping for needed day to day stuff like clothing, became next to impossible during the severest covid-19 shutdowns.
So, who did well during these tough times? Home improvement companies. Oh, at first the jobs dried up but that didn't last. After a few months, Canadians cooped up in their homes but still managing to work full-time, found themselves flush with unspent money. Soon Canadians were starting home reno projects put on pause because of covid-19 and even starting some that had not been planned at all.
Canadians are not alone. American home owners are reportedly also spending more than ever on their homes. The reno business made a great recovery in 2020 but in 2021 it has grown red hot. Need a new front door? Order it today and it will be installed some months in the future.
The pandemic has meant big business for the home improvement business.