Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The new Sarnia Rd. Bridge

Yesterday I posted a view from the new Sarnia Rd. bridge. Until recently an heritage bridge built around 1890 in St. James, Manitoba, and relocated to London in 1909, was the span carrying traffic across the CP railway in northwest London.

The new bridge is clean and modern.
The old truss bridge was removed and put into storage, a move heritage groups supported. Pin-connected truss bridges are exceedingly rare in Ontario, yet London has one in storage and another in use — the restored King St. pedestrian bridge in the city core.

If you'd like to know more about the old, single lane iron bridge that until recently spanned the rail line, click on the link, "old truss bridge", above.

Today the crossing is so wide, the approach so long and gently curved, one hardly notices that one is on a bridge crossing the tracks. I miss the old bridge but with all the subdivisions being built in the area, the old bridge had to go.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

CP rail line in northwest London

It looks quiet now, but this lone track carries rail traffic 24-hours a day. This is the Canada Pacific  main line in northwest London. Note the arc of an interesting wooden bridge spanning the tracks in the distance.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Heritage gas station has a new life

This heritage gas station on Main Street in Lambeth has seen a number of uses since it ceased pumping gas. Today it is the Jubilee Kafe — a cafe serving gluten free foods.

Stations like this were once common but most have been demolished. This one keeps being reborn but one must wonder how long until it too is history.

Lambeth was once a separate small town but was annexed an is now a part of London.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Time to remove the snow tires.

Londoners are yearning for spring and eager to leave winter behind. The temp hits 10 degrees Centigrade Saturday and the walking trail at Springbank Park was packed. Folks were walking, jogging, cycling and skate boarding along the wide, paved roadway. And not only was the pathway crowded. The playground was filled, the swings and slides all in use.

It is time to remove the snow tires.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A palace worthy of the Roman Catholic Bishops

When I moved to London, I lived in an area once known as Petersville. It was a suburb of London built on the low lying land across the Thames River from London proper.

When I went for a walk about the neighbourhood I would cross the North Branch of the Thames River at the Blackfriars Bridge. Above the large wrought iron span, overlooking the Petersville and Blackfriars neighbourhoods, there was a large and somewhat rundown looking white home with massive columns gracing the front.

I have since learned that the magnificent home was designed by a local architect, William Robinson, and it originally presented a less grandiose appearance. The massive columns were added before the home was donated to the Roman Catholic Church to be used as the new Bishop's Residence.

Reportedly, the donor, John Donally of Buffalo, New York, didn't find the original Italianate look regal enough for the bishops of London.

Today, thanks to some creative thinking, the old home has been converted into four condominiums and the structure may be around for many years to come.

Friday, March 29, 2013


The blur in the image is caused by shooting through the kitchen window.

Robins, cardinals, mourning doves: they have all returned. This afternoon my wife and I saw our first chipmunk. I don't think there can be any argument. Despite the snow that still dots the city, I think it's safe to say, "Spring is here!"

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blackfriars Bridge: Hasn't it earned its retirement?

Pedestrian walkway is original, the second railing is a modification.

It's time to put the Blackfriars Bridge out of its misery — and make no mistake about it, the beautiful, heritage structure is suffering. The passing years, 137 to be exact, have taken their toll.

Decorative caps are missing from fasteners on the walkway barrier, original iron bracing is bent and distorted, the structure has been modified for pedestrian safety and overall bridge integrity.

Some decorative caps covering fasteners are missing.
London's Blackfriars Bridge is a bowstring through-truss bridge built in 1875 by the Wrought Iron Bridge Company (WIBC) of Canton, Ohio. With a main span of 225 feet, the bridge in London can brag it sports the longest span of any remaining bowstring truss bridge in North America.

Bowstrings are among the rarest types of truss bridges today but they enjoyed a brief period of popularity from about 1855 into the 1880s.

During that period, thousands of wrought iron bowstring truss bridges were produced by numerous American bridge builders but two Ohio-based manufacturers stand out: WIBC of Canton and King Iron Bridge, King Manufacturing Company, Cleveland. The bowstring was the most commonly erected all-metal bridge of the 1870s and both Ohio companies sold their own patented bowstring designs.

In 1875 not one but two WIBC designed and fabricated bridges were erected over the Thames River in London, Ontario: The Blackfriars Bridge and a sister bridge, the Victoria, at the southern end of Ridout Street. The Victoria was replaced in 1926.

Replacement support for upper handrail is a serious mismatch.
Both bridges were manufactured in Ohio and transported by rail to London. These were the first metal bridges to be erected in London.

Using some 9000 lbs. of wrought iron and cast iron, a bridge like the Blackfriars gives a whole new meaning to the warning "some assembly required." Often the factory sent along an engineer to assist with construction.

Contrary to local folklore, the London bridge is not the only wrought iron bowstring truss bridge still carrying vehicular traffic in North America. There are at least six others but not one carries the amount of daily traffic endured by the hard-working London span.

I believe asking a century old, and then some, bridge to carry 4000 vehicles a day 365 days a year is foolish. Think of the damage that winter road-salt alone inflicts on this treasure. And make no mistake, the London bridge is a treasure. The Boner Road Bridge in Indiana, built in 1869, has been completely restored. Yet, it is only asked to carry limited traffic.

Boner Bridge, a three span bowstring truss, has been completely restored.

And the Boner Bridge is not the only bowstring that has been lovingly restored. There are others but with one big difference: Most were restored and then retired to a future of pedestrian traffic only. I know of 20 bowstring truss bridges that have been re-purposed for pedestrian/cyclist use only.

Restored Rodrick Bridger relocated to university campus.
The Rodrick Bridge, built in 1872, was removed from its original location over Wills Creek, Coshocton County, to be restored and relocated in 1998 to Ohio State University-Newark Campus where it has been re-purposed for pedestrians and cyclists.

One of my favourite stories is the one surrounding the Old Richardsville Road Bridge in Kentucky. The old road, and thus the bridge, receives only limited use. Why: There is a new Richardsville Road.

Old Richardsville Rd. Bridge still carries vehicular traffic.
A gentleman living on the old road, David Gavin, assumed the upkeep of the beautiful, neighbourhood bridge. He has spent $175,000 of his own money replacing the deck with treated pine and replacing deteriorating iron rivets. A three span bridge made in 1889 by the King company, it's a beauty. David Gavin can take a well-earned bow.

The Blackfriars Bridge, with its 225-foot clear span, eliminated the intermediate supports required by the previous wooden bridges. In theory, the river-spanning length minimized the risk of a wash out caused by spring floods. It was a good theory; The Blackfriars Bridge is entering its 139th year of service.

It's time to find our beautiful, heritage bridge a new home. At the very least, let's move it a few feet up or down river — which ever makes the most sense. Let's restore our wrought iron work of art and craft. Let's give our now-rare-beauty another century or more of life.

Remember the five Rs:

  1. Remove it
  2. Restore it
  3. Relocate it
  4. Re-purpose it
  5. Reuse it

Remove it, restore it and reserve it for walkers and cyclists only.


The first three pictures (below) show the wooden bridges that once served the area. Note the mid river supports required by all the wooden structures.The last picture is an early image of the Blackfriars Bridge still in use today.

Note the in-river supports required by the wooden bridges at this location.

Ivey Family London Room, London Public Library, London, Ontario, Canada