Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jumbo the elephant

High on a cliff, a sculpture of Jumbo graces the western entrance to St. Thomas.
It is just past the anniversary of the untimely death of Jumbo the elephant. The star of the Barnum and Bailey Circus was struck and killed by a Grand Trunk locomotive on September 15, 1885, in St. Thomas, Ontario.

Today the giant elephant is memorialized by more than a brand of popcorn. A massive monument to the famous beast was erected more than a dozen years ago at the western entrance to the Southwestern Ontario city just a few kilometres to the south of London.

The sculpture was designed and constructed in Sussex, New Brunswick, by the late artist Winston Bronnum.

For more information on Jumbo, read the recent piece by James Reaney of The London Free Press.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rafting up

One of the nicest things about London Ontario is it location. It is less than an hour from London to either Lake Erie or to Lake Huron. Both lakes are fine spots for boating, deep and incredibly huge. I once kept a sailboat docked in Bayfield on Lake Huron. On a hot summer afternoon a fine thing was to rafting up to one or more other sailboats to enjoy a cool pop and a dive off the stern of the boats.

It is almost fall and diving off the stern is not as inviting as it was a few weeks ago. But, these boats were spotted rafting up off Port Stanley on Lake Erie this weekend. It is still a fun, social thing to do.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fiona likes duckies, rubber duckies

In Canada there is a type of shoe called a rubber duckie. It is made in rubber, often black or dark, navy blue, with thick soles and long laces. Fiona loves grandma's rubber duckies. They aren't as much fun as Fiona's yellow, floating duckies but these duckies have laces. A nice touch.

Watching how Fiona gets into everything within her reach --- who'd have thought that so much was within the reach of a small baby --- I'm glad all our electrical outlets are child proofed and our lower cabinets cleared of anything potentially dangerous.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Colourful homes exceptional

When I have traveled outside Canada, I have visited many towns and villages where colourful homes are the rule and not the exception. This home in London North is an exception and it is exceptional.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

They're still making them like they use to.

This lovely older London home in Old North is truly lovely but it is not truly older. I am certain that it was built since I moved to London in the early '70s. It is a great looking home and fits in beautifully with its truly old neighbours but it is not old.

I titled this post "They're still making them like they use to." But it is not really true. My bet is that this home is built better than its older neighbours. It is certainly better insulated, it would not have lead in the plumbing, the kitchen, I am sure, is infinitely better than those found in homes build a century ago.

Off to the side, I'm sure you have noticed, is the attached garage. I personally like it better than the ones tucked behind homes on small rear laneways.

Yes, they are still building them but better.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Springbank Carousel

I've shot this carousel in Springbank Park before but on an overcast day the colours really pop; It is just too appealing a shot not to take and to feature. For more info on this merry-go-round, so popular with London children, check out my previous posts: Merry Move London and Merry-go-round in Winter.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

More TVTA Hiking

Near the UWO the trail is a paved multi-use path.
The hikers encounter dense vegetation
Saturday, the Thames Valley Trail Association held an organized hike along the North Branch of the Thames River in London, Ontario. In some places the path cut through thick brush but at one point it passed behind some wonderful North London homes. The route also touched the edge of the University of Western Ontario campus before returning to Gibbons Park.

Membership in the local organization is only $25 for an individual, $20 if you're 60 or more, and $35 for a family. The members not only organize hikes, they develop and maintain trails, publish a newsletter and run a website. They also have a modest blog presence.

The hikes are weekly events held in different locations in the London area.

I think they may have a new member. Me!
A quickly moving runner, right, passes a slower moving hiker on the narrow trail.