Friday, July 2, 2010

The Vacation Continues

The stuff you see driving down the TransCanada highway over Lake Superior.

I'm blogging on my vacation on the Digital Journal.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Vacation Continues

Sioux Narrows in the Lake of the Woods region of Northwestern Ontario.
 For the whole story, see the post on Digital Journal.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Vacation Continues

Only a week left and Judy and I will be back in London, Ontario! But now, we are in Kenora in the far northwestern part of the province.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Vacation Continues

With a loud dramatic crunching sound, the bumper fell from the car and wedged under the roadster.
 If you have been following my posts on Digital Journal, you'd know my Morgan was hit in Gorda by the Bay. Today the fender fell off the roadster and wedged under the car. The whole story has been posted on Digital Journal.

The Vacation Continues

If you are following the Morgan Adventure, there are two more posts on the Digital Journal.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Vacation Continues

A young violinist on the main street of Fort McLeod, Alberta. The street was closed for an arts festival.
We are now in Alberta and today we should end up in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. My heart seems stable as does the Morgan. The old car seems to have rallied to the moment and is on its best behaviour. It only gives us trouble after we stop. Some say this is the elevation or the western gas causing vapour lock but I know this is the car telling us that it just wants to get us home: "Don't stop me. Let me run. I'll get you home," it is saying.

More pictures posted on Digital Journal.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Vacation Continues

I never expected parts of the state of Washington to look like this. Where are the mountains?
For today's post, see the Digital Journal.
