Friday, August 6, 2010

One tough job!

The city is doing some work on the walkway beside the Thames River running through Springbank Park in London, Ontario. The fellows making the pavement cut wear dust masks but still . . . One has to wonder how much of the dust gets through the filter.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


It is amazing how beautiful a weed like this thistle can look when viewed up close. The field near my home is a flat, snow-covered expanse in the winter. Now, in mid-summer, it is turning into a veritable jungle with some weedy growth reaching ten feet into the air. At ground level there are thousands of different colourful flowers. It is different plot of land in August.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'll be back! That's a promise.

I've got a good reason to get my health back.
Less than two months ago I was healthy. Oh, I've had health problems and serious ones. But teamed with the wonderful medical folk here in London, Ontario, I've surmounted the worst that has occurred.

Then in mid June in Sonoma, California, I suffered a serious V-tach event with my heart racing to 300 bpm. It took an emergency cardioversion (defibrillation) of 200 joules of electricity to shock my heart back into proper rhythm. I was given beta blockers to prevent a re-occurrence.

Then in mid July in London, Ontario, I went blind temporarily in my left eye. I was off to the hospital emerg again. I had suffered a TIA event, often a precursor to a stroke. I was given Plavix, a blood thinner.

Within hours I had an MRI of my head and neck to confirm what the doctors suspected, hardening of the arteries with plaque in my carotid artery. The good news: My arteries are clean. The bad news: I have micro bleeding throughout my brain.

Tuesday I must go to the Cardiac Institute and as the month progresses I have quite the number of medical appointments. What caused the V-tach event? Why is my brain bleeding? Am I reacting poorly to the blood thinner? Should I stop the Plavix? Was the baby Aspirin I used to take responsible for the bleeding? If I do stop all blood thinners, will I put myself in position to suffer a stroke?

I am beginning to feel as if I am starring in an episode of House.

All of this is taking a great toll on my free time. My blogging has suffered. My photography just isn't happening. And worse, I haven't been able to chase some very good local stories for Digital Journal.

Sorry team. I will be back doing my small bit for citizen journalism. Just give me, and my doctors, a little time. Who knows, maybe there will be a good medical story here. Now, I must go; It's time for my beta blocker.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

No excuse for not exercising

I had an MRI last week. My arteries are clean. No plaque forming in my arteries. Ah, the benefits of a lifetime of exercise. I tried roller blades once but in the end I preferred jogging or biking. Today I just walk at a brisk pace. Despite some heart problems the doctors in London, Ontario, tell me the best thing I can do is stay active. If you don't exercise, see your doctor, make sure you aren't about to tackle more than is wise, and then get out there and work up a sweat. You won't be alone. Trust me; It's good for you.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Not everyone believes in helmets

According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) each year about 800 bicyclists are killed in the States and more than half a million are treated in hospital emergency rooms. Almost two-thirds of these deaths and a third of the injuries involve head and face injury. The CPSC says helmets may reduce the risk of head injury to bicyclists by as much as 85 percent. Yet, only about 50 percent of bicyclists wear helmets.

I understand that in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Nova Scotia mandatory helmet laws apply to all cyclists. In Ontario only those under the age of 18 are required by law to wear bicycle helmets, but only when riding on public roads.

In this group of seven cyclists spotted zipping along a paved recreational pathway in London, Ontario, only one rider is not wearing a helmet. There are those who would come to this woman's defence. These people argue those bikers at high risk of suffering a head injury are those who do not obey traffic laws. And cyclists out at night would be wiser to put their money into some good lights before buying a helmet.

For more on the subject of helmets, check out the Wikipedia entry. It states, "Cycling is no more dangerous than being a pedestrian." And no one is arguing all pedestrians should be wearing helmets.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Let them eat worms

Did you ever wonder why bread and crackers are not good for the cute ducks at the park? If you're one of those folk who like to toss bits of white bread to the eager-to-feast ducks, don't! This is not healthy food for ducks. It enlarges their internal organs, making them fatty. Also, ducks have a small pouch in their esophagus to store food before passing it on to the digestive system. Bread gets stuck and blocks the passage of food. Let them eat worms, insects, seeds and leave the bread at home.

Original City of Toronto coat of arms found in London

Have you noticed all the beautiful bank branches that have closed throughout downtown London and in the area known as East London?

When the former Bank of Montreal branch on Richmond Street at Queens Avenue was painted red there was a big hullabaloo with even local politicians wading into the fray. Unfortunately, outside the downtown core it's a different story. This elegant former bank building, now painted a bright red is found on the edge of East London. Its humiliation has gone relatively unnoticed.

Curious about the coat of arms above the entrance? This presently  empty corner store was originally an elegant branch of the Bank of Toronto. A century ago the Toronto-based bank was known to display the City of Toronto coat of arms. For instance, a former Bank of Toronto branch in downtown Brockville sports a similar decoration.

Over the years the City of Toronto coat of arms had gone through a number of changes. These bank versions predate most of the modifications and for that reason are reportedly very close to the original sketch which was quickly drawn on a barroom floor and paid for with a few drinks.

It's odd to think that some of the best examples of the original City of Toronto coat of arms are to be found on former bank buildings scattered about the province and unappreciated they are in danger of being lost.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Recently I spent almost six weeks traveling across the United States and Canada. For dramatic scenery, you cannot beat the States: Yellowstone Park, Yosemite, the Pacific Coastal Highway, the California Red Woods. For a beautiful country, Canada delivers. The Canadian Rockies are simply awesome.

After returning to London, Ontario, I took Miss Baby for a walk and little girl took one look at the purple flowered slopes across the street from my home, leaned forward for a closer look, pursed her lips and softly said, "Ooooo!"

And you know, as usual the little kid was right. I only had to travel a few mere metres to find a scene worthy of an "Ooooo!"

Monday, July 26, 2010

Info-Tech Research Group

Usually I like to tell you, my readers, a little background about my picture of the day. Today I am wordless. These images are of the Info-Tech Research Group head office in London, Ontario. I know that when I worked at the local newspaper, the business department did some stories on Info-Tech and they were all very positive stories --- that much I remember.

Check out their website and who knows, maybe your IT department can use their expertise. If Info-Tech brings the same attention to detail in their work as they have brought to the exterior of their head office, these folk are beyond good.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Honey, you've got to see this!

Southwestern Ontario is not know for its hills. Yet, my home sits smack-dab on top of a rather tall, and very long, glacial moraine. From our home, we can see all the way to the farms north of the city. But the best part of the view are the sunsets. They can be downright spectacular.

The other night, as my wife walked by our front door, she noticed this sunset and called me, "Honey, you've got to see this!"

I saw it, and now you can see it, too.


p.s. I was going to write that my camera might have added its own little colourful twist to the scene but my wife on seeing this post exclaimed, "That's yesterday's sunset! It was great!" I'll leave it at that.

Fraternal Twins

Note how the addition of a ventilation panel, left, has altered the decoration.

How often have you read that one thing that separates suburban development from the neighbourhoods in a city's core is the frequent repetition of home models in suburbia? It is jarring, and boring, all at the same time --- almost identical home all too often sit side by side. Not good, we are told.

The fact is, as Jon Blackwell of the Trentonian wrote: "No two styles were ever built side by side." Blackwell was writing about Levittown, Penn., but he could have been writing about any number of suburban developments right across North America.

The truth is that building side by side housing twins and triplets was often done in the past. It is not always as obvious today as was when the homes were newly built, changes made over the intervening years have hidden or removed some the striking similarities.

Today's photo features the upper floor bay window treatment featured on two London homes in the downtown core. I'd say these homes are fraternal twins. Note, the addition of a ventilation screen has slightly modified the appearance of the home on the left. There is a third home in this series but it is no longer clear whether or not it was once a match. The home now has siding and the decoration below the peak is covered or removed.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A visual metaphor

A dear artist friend draws flowers --- in bud, in full bloom and in decay. All stages appear in the paintings. I never thought to include anything other than the colourful blooms in my images until I saw this artist's work and understood the implications. To not show the wilted flowers, petals shriveled, yellow core faded to brown, is only telling part of the rich story that is life.

If you are intrigued by the transitory nature of life, you might like my recent blog And When I Die.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

London Sunset

If you can ignore the mosquitoes, as this couple obviously can, the Thames River in London, Ontario, offers a beautiful spot to view a Southwestern Ontario sunset.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bruce Cockburn at Home County

For more pictures see: Rockin' On: Photography
Bruce Cockburn is the biggest name to hit the Victoria Park stage at the Home County Folk Festival in years. Mix the Cockburn name with a fine summer evening and the result is a huge turnout.

The crowd had filled the paved space directly in front of the bandshell stage early in the evening. The audience then spilled onto the grassy areas off to the sides with these areas quickly filling with folks on lawn chairs and with others relaxing on blankets. Even areas having no clear line-of-sight to the stage filled as Londoners arrived to hear, if not see, Cockburn perform.

And no one was disappointed. Cockburn's distinctive voice and guitar playing gently rocked the park with such hits as: Slow Down Fast, Child of the Wind, Lovers in a Dangerous Time, How I Spent My Fall Vacation, and Strange Waters.

In the moments before Cockburn appeared on  stage the open walkway in front of the stage filled with amateur photographers and late but bold spectators. Both developments carried surprises. First, the general rule at concerts is photos are only allowed during the first two or three songs of a performer's set. Cockburn allowed the shutterbugs to stay rooted to their spots in front of the stage for the whole concert --- very generous. 

And the audience members behind the last minute interlopers, who had claimed positions at the very front, were also allowed to stay. Being so close to the stage, these intruders did not block anyone's view and wisely it was decided by all to just leave them be.

It was a very mellow, Cockburn evening.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Barrett Breaks Special Olympics World Record

Photo credit: Doug Brown, Special Olympics Photo Volunteer
London, Ont.: Saturday morning, power lifter Jackie Barrett broke a Special Olympics world record lift in squat at 265.5kg. The packed venue at the University of Western Ontario in London Ontario gave the mighty competitor a standing ovation.

 Barrett has been with the Special Olympics for 23 years and has been training in power lifting for the past 15 years.

About this impressive, record breaking accomplishment, Barrett said, "It felt great. I felt I almost didn't get it, but I did." When asked when he decided he'd go for the record-breaking lift Barrett explained, "I decided after my second attempt. I felt I had enough left in the tank and then I went for it."

Later Saturday, Barrett may attempt a new Special Olympics world record in the dead lift. That category of the competition takes place in the early afternoon.

Daniel Reid, a coach with Team Newfoundland, was ecstatic. "I think it's super. He was undecided if he would even try to do it because he would have to do it on his third attempt, but he did it, and he made it look easy. We're all very proud of him." 

About the 2010 Special Olympics Canada Special Games: The 12th national summer competition was held in London Ontario from July 11 to 17. More than 1,400 athletes, coaches, and mission staff representing all ten Canadian provinces plus the Yukon and Northwest Territories attended the seven-day sporting event. More than 1,000 volunteers and event officials worked to make the event a success.

Athletes competed in eight official sports, including athletics, five and ten pin bowling, power lifting, rhythmic gymnastics, soccer, softball and swimming. This national competition serves as the qualifying event for athletes to become members of the national team that will compete at the 2011 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Athens, Greece.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blogger reader in training

It is being widely reported that children, and older kids, raised reading books rather than pointing and clicking around the Internet are brighter with better concentration spans. I find this hard to believe. There must be more going on than simply Internet vs. printed words on the page.

That said, my little granddaughter seems to have taken to books. And I'd say she was a bright little thing. Maybe there is something to all this book stuff after all.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Geek Dinner

This was the "Thank you" Geek Dinner for me. You see, it was at a previous Geek Dinner that I learned about SSDs and how these are faster and more rugged than the traditional hard drives found in notebook computers. As I was planning an almost six week driving adventure across North America in a 42-year-old British roadster, a Morgan Plus 4, well known for its rough and bumpy ride, this was great to know. The Dell notebook I eventually bought had a 256GB SSD and it withstood the weeks of bouncing tucked behind the seat of my Morgan very well.

I also had a chance to thank the young woman who recommended the Fuji brand of cameras to me. She was using an earlier model of the Fuji camera I eventually bought for the trip. It proved to be a solid performer and very well built.

I brought my notebook to the dinner and when I ran into a problem showing someone my blog page, the screen carried a message saying there was a server problem, this person removed the incorrect information which had been entered into the DNS fields of my computer during the trip.

I had to bring out my "Thank you," again.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Vacation Continues

We are now in Thessalon and winding down. This was the shortest drive we have had in quite awhile. Tomorrow we only have to drive three hours to a ferry and then we can relax. After the cruise, we have only a one hour drive.

The next day we drive home!

For more info see my post on the Digital Journal.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Vacation Continues

The stuff you see driving down the TransCanada highway over Lake Superior.

I'm blogging on my vacation on the Digital Journal.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Vacation Continues

Sioux Narrows in the Lake of the Woods region of Northwestern Ontario.
 For the whole story, see the post on Digital Journal.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Vacation Continues

Only a week left and Judy and I will be back in London, Ontario! But now, we are in Kenora in the far northwestern part of the province.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Vacation Continues

With a loud dramatic crunching sound, the bumper fell from the car and wedged under the roadster.
 If you have been following my posts on Digital Journal, you'd know my Morgan was hit in Gorda by the Bay. Today the fender fell off the roadster and wedged under the car. The whole story has been posted on Digital Journal.

The Vacation Continues

If you are following the Morgan Adventure, there are two more posts on the Digital Journal.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Vacation Continues

A young violinist on the main street of Fort McLeod, Alberta. The street was closed for an arts festival.
We are now in Alberta and today we should end up in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. My heart seems stable as does the Morgan. The old car seems to have rallied to the moment and is on its best behaviour. It only gives us trouble after we stop. Some say this is the elevation or the western gas causing vapour lock but I know this is the car telling us that it just wants to get us home: "Don't stop me. Let me run. I'll get you home," it is saying.

More pictures posted on Digital Journal.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Vacation Continues

I never expected parts of the state of Washington to look like this. Where are the mountains?
For today's post, see the Digital Journal.


The Vacation Continues

A steep climb and massive wind turbines greeted us entering Washington.
Yesterday we cleared Oregon. It is now checked off our list. We are in Washington and we'll be here again tonight: Spokane. After that it is British Columbia and Canada. It may not be "home of the free and land of the brave" but it is the home of government-run medical care.

When your ticker is losing its mojo, Canada looks better and better. One of the first stops in Canada will be a hospital or medical clinic. I'm going to check on the strength of my heart meds. I'm wondering if I could be taking a little more of this metoprolol. Right now I am on a minimal dosage.

The downside to this stuff is that you must take it regularly. Don't stop! It comes with this warning:

"Do not stop taking metoprolol without talking to your doctor. Suddenly stopping metoprolol may cause chest pain or heart attack. Your doctor will probably decrease your dose gradually."
I think the Morgan is having sympathy pains. Yesterday, on the steep road into Washington state the engine balked, lost power and stopped for no apparent reason. But the little car restarted beautifully and has run fine ever since.

I've got confidence in both my little roadster and my heart. Hey, I've known them both for a very long time.

Oh, I may not post tonight,
I may go to bed early and get a really good night's sleep.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Vacation Continues

After a day and a half in the hospital to treat a runaway heart rate, I am back on the road. Judy and I are now in Oregon with the Morgan.


Friday, June 18, 2010

The Vacation Continues

The Morgan has had a day at the mechanics and is now running beautifully. Maybe it will now go another few thousand miles and get us home.

The big picture opportunity of the day was offered by the kite-surfers spotted south of San Francisco in the Pacific.

For more information, see: The Digital Journal

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Vacation Continues

Rockinon rocked down Highway 1 today from San Simeon to Santa Cruz. Big Sur was amazing. It was a great Morgan run. For more, see my Digital Journal post.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Vacation Continues

Stayed at the Hacienda. A ranch home designed for William Randolph Hearst by the same architect that worked with him for decades on his castle-like home near San Simeon.

Drove from the one former Hearst property to the other via a mountain road across the Fort Hunter-Liggett military base. What a road!

Today's picture is a view from this road.

More info is posted at:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The vacation continues . . . Rockinon rocks on!

I'd heard of dust devils but until today I had not encountered them. There were literally dozens of dust devils to be seen out on the Nevada desert Thursday. Driving through that in an old Morgan was quite the buzz.

I posted some of the events of the day at:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rockinon is on Vacation!

It may be almost summer in London, Ontario, but in the Grand Tetons above Jackson Hole the snow is still six-feet deep beside some of the mountain top walkways. Blogging on trip on Digital Journal.

Monday, June 7, 2010

On Vacation_Rockinon visits Yellowstone and more

One of the geyser basins in Yellowstone National Park.
By now you know Rockinon is on vacation. The Morgan has put Yellowstone National Park behind it and is on its way to Providence, Utah. What's in Providence? A wonderful B&B, I hope. But this is just a stop before the next major place to visit: Yosemite!

I'll be back covering London, Ontario, come some time in July.

For more info on the trip see the Digital Journal.
