Thursday, September 9, 2010

Colourful homes exceptional

When I have traveled outside Canada, I have visited many towns and villages where colourful homes are the rule and not the exception. This home in London North is an exception and it is exceptional.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

They're still making them like they use to.

This lovely older London home in Old North is truly lovely but it is not truly older. I am certain that it was built since I moved to London in the early '70s. It is a great looking home and fits in beautifully with its truly old neighbours but it is not old.

I titled this post "They're still making them like they use to." But it is not really true. My bet is that this home is built better than its older neighbours. It is certainly better insulated, it would not have lead in the plumbing, the kitchen, I am sure, is infinitely better than those found in homes build a century ago.

Off to the side, I'm sure you have noticed, is the attached garage. I personally like it better than the ones tucked behind homes on small rear laneways.

Yes, they are still building them but better.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Springbank Carousel

I've shot this carousel in Springbank Park before but on an overcast day the colours really pop; It is just too appealing a shot not to take and to feature. For more info on this merry-go-round, so popular with London children, check out my previous posts: Merry Move London and Merry-go-round in Winter.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

More TVTA Hiking

Near the UWO the trail is a paved multi-use path.
The hikers encounter dense vegetation
Saturday, the Thames Valley Trail Association held an organized hike along the North Branch of the Thames River in London, Ontario. In some places the path cut through thick brush but at one point it passed behind some wonderful North London homes. The route also touched the edge of the University of Western Ontario campus before returning to Gibbons Park.

Membership in the local organization is only $25 for an individual, $20 if you're 60 or more, and $35 for a family. The members not only organize hikes, they develop and maintain trails, publish a newsletter and run a website. They also have a modest blog presence.

The hikes are weekly events held in different locations in the London area.

I think they may have a new member. Me!
A quickly moving runner, right, passes a slower moving hiker on the narrow trail.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thames Valley Trail Association

I hesitate to call them seniors as most were not over 65 and, for that matter, the term seniors may be politically incorrect today. And gosh, I do hate to be politically incorrect. Whatever I decide to call them, I must remember to modify my choice with the adjective cool.

Thursday morning I met a most interesting group: The Morning Ramblers of the Thames Valley Trail Association. Members meet twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday mornings, to take a planned hike together.

I joined them this past Thursday at 9:15 a.m. They met at Treasure Island Mall and then headed for the morning destination in four cars. Those taking the car pool chipped in to reimburse their driver.

If you've been following this blog, you know that I often hike in Springbank Park. When you hike alone you set your own pace, and the pace I set is a bit slow. When I learned of the Morning Ramblers I figured I'd have to check them out. They passed the test.

The big question is, "Did I?"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thomas Bros. Fruits and Vegetables

Around the world many folk think of Canada and think of snow and ice and fierce cold. All true. I'll bet there's at least one day a year here in London, Ontario, fitting that description.

The other 364 days are wonderful ---  especially the summer days. When I was a boy, there were canning factories seemingly in every small town. Today, there may be none. Sad.

But each summer the Thomas Bros. fruit and vegetable stand about five minutes from my suburban home offers locally grown produce for sale. Fresh picked sweet corn, and it is sweet. The sugar in corn is converted into starch after the corn is picked. If it is kept cool, the sugar content is retained far longer but the best corn is the freshest corn. The corn at Thomas Bros. is fresh.

As are the melons, and the squash, and the tomatoes and . . .

I love Ontario.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Toy Shoppe of London (Ontario)

My granddaughter will be one-year-old come Thursday and so today my wife and I happily headed off for The Toy Shoppe of London in search of some small gifts for the little girl. We found a small, red rattle which we know she'll love. It's the right colour --- red. And she loves to shake things. Shake a rattle and it, well, it rattles. Perfect.

We also found a plush, bright red, ladybug. Need I say more?

And finally we found the perfect little book: Red is Best. Actually, we didn't find it. A lady at the store suggested it when we mentioned how much Fiona loves red. The book is perfect.

Speaking of perfect, The Toy Shoppe of London is almost perfect. There's a good reason why it has been a continuing success since the early 1990s.